Man pages for USGS-R/glmtools
Tools for working with the General Lake Model (GLM)

calibrate_simCalibrates GLM-AED2 variables to improve fit between observed...
compare_to_fieldcompare metric for GLM vs field observations
convert_sim_varconvert an existing simulation variable into a different one
Corner_textAdd text to the corner of a plot
epi.temperatureGet volumetrically averaged epilimnion temp
get_calib_init_validationGet last values from a calibration period to be used for the...
get_calib_periodsSplits time period into calibration and validation period
get_calib_setupCreates an example setup for a calibration run
get_evaporationget evaporation from GLM simulation
get_hypsographyretrieve hypsography information
get_iceget ice depth from GLM simulation
get_nml_valuegets a nml value according to an arg_name
get_rawget raw data from GLM simulation
get_surface_heightget surface height from GLM simulation
get_tempget water temperatures from a GLM simulation
get_varget variable from a GLM simulation
get_windget wind speed from GLM simulation
hypo.temperatureGet volumetrically averaged hypolimnion temp
plot_compare_stagePlot simulated and observed stage data
plot_meteoPlot meterological drivers from a csv file
plot_tempDeprecated. Plot water temperatures from a GLM simulation
plot_temp_compareDeprecated. Plot matching heatmaps for modeled and observed...
plot_validate_profilesPlot validation and model temperature profiles for all unique...
plot_var_comparePlot matching heatmaps for modeled and observed temp
plot_var_dfPlot variables from a data frame
plot_var_ncPlot variables from a .nc file
read_field_obsRead in field data into a data.frame
read_field_stageRead in a field stage file
read_nmlread in a GLM simulation *.nml file
resample_simget subset of time from a generic timeseries data.frame
resample_to_fieldMatch GLM water temperatures with field observations
run_example_simRun example simulation
set_nmlsets values in nml object
sim_metricsget possible metrics for comparing GLM outputs to field
sim_var_longnameGet long name of variable from a GLM simulation
sim_varsGet list of variables from a GLM simulation
sim_var_unitsGet units of variable from a GLM simulation
summarize_simCreates GLM simulation summary outputs
validate_simRun diagnostics on model results vs observations
water.temperatureMimic rLakeAnalyzer function
whole.lake.temperatureGet volumetrically averaged whole lake temperature
write_nmlwrite GLM .nml for a GLM simulation
USGS-R/glmtools documentation built on March 26, 2024, 5:43 p.m.