Man pages for USGS-R/gsplot
Geological Survey Plotting

ablinegsplot abline
add_new_paradd a new defaul par list to the gsplot object
add_new_sideadd a new default side to gsplot
add_to_legendadd function call to the overall legend
add_to_viewadd function call to view
append_legend_column_infoBased on location set legend columns
arrowsgsplot arrows
as.axistake a named or numbered side and give whether it is an x or...
as.sidetake a named side and turn it into numeric
as.side_nameget the side names
as.view_nameconvert sides vector into view name
as.x_sidetake a view name and extract the numeric x side
as.x_side_nametake a view name and extract the named x sides
as.y_sidetake a view name and extract the numeric y sides
as.y_side_nametake a view name and extract the named y sides
axisgsplot axis
background_colorgsplot background_color
background_color.defaultcreate a background color
builderChain together multiple operations.
calloutsgsplot callouts
clear_parClear par
combine_legend_argsadd the current function call legend info to the overall...
configGet configuration for gsplot
create_empty_legendSet up an empty legend
curvegsplot curve
date_axisgsplot date axis
day_periodReturns the period padded to full days
decade_periodReturns the period padded to the decade boundaries
draw_legendgsplot draw_legend
error_bargsplot error bars
error_bar.defaultcreate error bars
filter_argumentsextract the call arguments
function_argsget matched argument list for a given function
function_call_argsget the arguments that go into the function call, stripping...
function_defaultsget the defaults for a function name
gather_function_infocollect the ... and apply them appropriately to gsplot
get_axTicksget the axes ticks for grid or axes
get_legend_arg_namesget vector of legend arguments - overall or for each entry
get_legend_argsget the arguments that go into the legend for a single...
get_sides_xreturn sides that are either x (odd)
get_sides_yreturn sides that are either y (even)
gridgsplot grid
grid_axTicksget the locations for ticks for custom grid
is.gsplotgsplot is.gsplot
legendgsplot legend
limlimits for gsplot
linesgsplot lines
load_configLoad gsplot config
load_temp_configLoad gsplot temporary config
loggedlog for gsplot
MaumeeDVExample Daily Data
modify_configmodify the global config field of the gsplot object
modify_global_parmodify global par
modify_legendadd legend configs
modify_parmodify par for global, side, or view
modify_sidemodify a side to update it with new arguments
modify_side_parmodify the par for side(s)
modify_view_parmodify the par for a view
month_periodReturns the period padded to the month boundaries
mtextgsplot mtext
ndaysReturns the number of days the month of a given date
nonstandard_eval_argumentsget the embedded arguments that go into the function call
parSet or Query Graphical Parameters
pointsgsplot points
polygongsplot polygon
print.gsplotgsplot show
print.viewprint view
quarter_periodReturns the period padded to the quarter boundaries
rectgsplot rect
segmentsgsplot segments
set_argsset argument list for a given function
set_frameset up the plot frame/window for a side
set_side_axesset the axes logical on a side
set_side_labset the label value on a side
set_side_limsets the side limits according to a new addition
set_side_logset the log value on a side
set_sidesautomatically fill in sides as pairs if they are single vals
set_type_paramsfigure out the correct par args needed depending on the...
set_usr_limsets the user-defined limits to sides
side_namesnames of the sides in gsplot object
sidessubset the gsplot object to return only sides
summary.gsplotSummary of gsplot object
symbolsgsplot symbols
textgsplot text
ThemesBuilt-in themes • theme.hadleyUsed to look like a default...
titlegsplot title
usr_axTicksget the user-specified locations for axes ticks for a side
verify_par_argsverify par arguments against a vector of allowed names
viewpass view arguments into gsplot
view_infoGet view information from a gsplot object
view_namesnames of the views in gsplot object
viewsviews in the gsplot object
views_with_sidefind views with a certain side
wateryear_periodReturns the period padded to the water year boundaries
week_periodReturns the period padded to the weekly boundaries
what_dateGet gsplot object creation date.
what_versionGet gsplot version used.
which_sideswhich indices in the gsplot object are sides
which_viewsget the indices of the gsplot object for where the views are
xlabxlab for gsplot
xlimxlim for gsplot
year_periodReturns the period padded to the year boundaries
ylabylab for gsplot
ylimylim for gsplot
USGS-R/gsplot documentation built on April 17, 2023, 8:45 p.m.