correlations: Correlation functions in 'loadflex'

correlationsR Documentation

Correlation functions in loadflex


Correlations of residuals or prediction errors are important at several points in the process of estimating solute concentrations or fluxes. Directly estimating these correlations is difficult, though sometimes possible. The functions listed here exist to help the user in (1) estimating correlations from data, and (2) asserting correlation structures when empirical estimates are weak or unavailable.

1D Correlation Functions

These are functions that produce one or more correlation coefficients from pairs of dates.

  • rhoEqualDates

  • rho1DayBand

1D Correlation Function Generators

These are functions that produce functions that produce one or more correlation coefficients.

  • getRhoFirstOrderFun

2D Correlation Functions

These are functions that produce a 2D correlation matrix from a vector of dates.

  • cormatEqualDates

  • cormat1DayBand

2D Correlation Function Generators

These are functions that produce functions that produce 2D correlation matrices.

  • getCormatCustom

  • getCormatTaoBand

  • getCormatFirstOrder

USGS-R/loadflex documentation built on July 26, 2023, 9:54 p.m.