
#Function to get all active sediment sites

## CP note: the SAMPLE_MD is not the best way, need to talk with Abby about best way to get this info
#here is how to get the whole site file 
#Query <- "select * from NWISCO.SITEFILE_01"
#Then just subset it to SAMPLE_MD in the last 5 years

#activeSTAIDS <- get_activeSites(DSN="NWISCO",env.db="01)
#sedData <- get_localNWIS(STAIDS = activeSTAIDS)

# env.db = "01"
# Query <- paste("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_",env.db,sep="")
# Samples <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
# #Need to subset by date in the SQL querry
# Query <- paste0("select * from ", DSN, ".QW_SAMPLE_",env.db," where sample_start_dt between '",
#                 format(Sys.Date() - 365*5,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
#                 "' and '",
#                 format(Sys.Date()+1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"'")
# Samples <- RODBC::sqlQuery(Chan1, Query, as.is=T)
# Query <- paste0("select * from NWISCO.QW_SAMPLE_01 where sample_start_dt between cast('2010-01-01' as datetime) and cast('2015-01-01' as datetime)")
USGS-R/sedReview documentation built on Aug. 24, 2020, 9 p.m.