
ui <- navbarPage(
  titlePanel(title = NULL, windowTitle = "SedReview 1.2"),
  tabPanel(title = img(src="Logo.png", width="60px",height = "20px"),
           h3("Welcome to SedReview 1.2: Discrete sediment data review and exploration toolbox."),
           h4("Please use the 'Site-Level Assessment Module' to review and plot data from a specific site."),
           h4("Please use the 'Science-Center Review Module' to perform high-level data reviews for an entire Water Science Center."),
           h4(helpText(a('User Guide', href="sedReview_manual.html",target="_blank"))),
           h4(helpText(a("Additional Info: SedReview GitHub",
  tabPanel("Site-Level Assessment Module", helpText(h4(verbatimTextOutput("site"))),
           source("ui_SLA.R", local = TRUE)$value),
  tabPanel("Science-Center Review Module", helpText(h4(verbatimTextOutput("site2"))),
           source("ui_SCR.R", local = TRUE)$value),
  tabPanel("Save/Load SedReview Session Data",
           h1("Save all current work in SedReview Session to R data file."),
           actionButton(inputId = "savePrep", label = "Push to prepare data"),
           downloadButton('saveRData', 'Save SedReview session'),br(),br(),
           h1("Load a previous SedReview Session."),
           fileInput("loadRDataFile",label="Browse to saved R data file",accept=".rda"),
           actionButton(inputId = "loadRData", "Load SedReview Session"),
USGS-R/sedReview documentation built on Aug. 24, 2020, 9 p.m.