allReg | All Subsets Regression |
ancovaReg | Diagnostics for Analysis of Covariance |
binaryReg | Diagnostics for Logistic Regression |
confirm | Confirm an Analysis |
confirm.seasonalPeak | Confirm Seasonal Peak |
cor.all | Compute Cross Correlations |
curvi | Curvi-Linear Trends |
Grubbs | The Grubbs Distribution |
grubbs.test | Test for Outlier |
hosmerLemeshow.test | The Hosmer-Lemeshow Test |
jackknifeMove.1 | Jackknife move.1 |
kensen.test | Test for a Trend |
leCessie.test | The le Cessie-van Houwelingen Test |
makepredictcall | Utility Function for Safe Prediction |
move.1 | Maintenance of Variance Extension, Type 1 |
move.2 | Maintenance of Variance Extension, Type 2 |
multicomp.test | Multiple Comparisons |
multReg | Diagnostics for Linear Regression |
optimBoxCox | Multivariate Unconditional Box-Cox Transformations |
percentile | Empirical Cumulative Percent |
plot.htest | Diagnostic Plots |
plot.Stats | Diagnostic Plots |
ppcc.test | Test for Normality |
predict.move.1 | Predict Maintenance of Variance Extension, Type 1 |
predict.move.2 | Predict Maintenance of Variance Extension, Type 2 |
predictMVUE | Bias Corrected Predictions |
predict.senSlope | Predict Values. |
press | Prediction Error Sum of Squares |
print.ancovaReg | Print Objects |
print.binaryreg | Print Objects |
printCor | Print Objects |
print.cor.all | Print Objects |
print.lecessie | Print Objects |
print.MCT | Print Objects |
print.move.1 | Print Objects |
print.move.2 | Print Objects |
print.multReg | Print Objects |
print.optimBoxCox | Print Object |
print.roc | Print Object |
print.seasonalPeak | Print Objects |
print.senSlope | Print Objects |
qtiles.CI | Quantiles with Confidence Limits |
quantile.numeric | Sample Quantiles |
regken | Trend Test |
rmse | Root-Mean-Squared and Relative Differences |
roc | Receiver Operator Characteristics for Logistic Regression |
seaken | Trend Test |
seasonalPeak | Seasonal Peak Timing |
seasonalWave | Seasonal Wave | | Compute Seasonal Wave Model |
seasonalWave.wt | Compute Seasonal Wave Model |
selBestWave | Select the "Best" Seasonal Wave |
senSlope | Compute the Sen Slope |
serial.test | Test for Serial Correlation |
seriesPlot.seaken | Series Plot |
skew | Skewness |
smwrStats-package | General tools for hydrologic data and trend analysis. |
summary.cor.all | Summarize Correlations |
sumStats | Compute Summary Statistics |
timeWeightedMean | Time-Weighted Mean |
trends | Basis for Piecewise Linear Trends |
vif | Variance Inflation Factors |
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