
#'@title Wrapper function for automated runs
#'@param outpath Path to store generated output
#'@importFrom rmarkdown render
automated_web_update = function(outpath='.'){
	#as per the suggestion here, don't try to direct knitr output
	# https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/913
	#origin = getwd()
	kfile = system.file('rmd_web/index.Rmd', package=packageName())
	rmarkdown::render(input = kfile, output_dir=outpath)
	#Now move the header and footer over
	hdir = system.file('rmd_web/header', package=packageName())
	fdir = system.file('rmd_web/footer', package=packageName())
	file.copy(hdir, outpath, recursive = TRUE)
	file.copy(fdir, outpath, recursive = TRUE)
USGS-R/soilmoisturetools documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:32 p.m.