
# ### Return campaign objects ----
# process_campaign_object <- function(object) {
#   # Perform another request to the API to get more detailed campaign info
#   campaign <- ga.get.campaign(API_USER_TOKEN, object["id"])
#   #print(toJSON(campaign, pretty=TRUE))  # show all avialable info
#   # Print campaign_info to console
#   ga.print.campaign_details(campaign)  # prints details about campaign
#   # Download/save campaign files and data
#   campaign_path <- file.path(DATA_DIR, campaign$project["name"], campaign$name) # create campaign path
#   dir.create(campaign_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive=TRUE)             # create campaign dir
#   campaign_files = ga.download.campaign_files(API_USER_TOKEN, campaign$files, campaign_path, match=MATCH_FILES)   # download all campaign files
#   ga.download.campaign_info(API_USER_TOKEN, campaign$info, campaign_path)     # generate csv file for info
#   ga.download.campaign_record(API_USER_TOKEN, campaign, campaign_path)        # generate json file containing campaign record information
# }

# ###############################################################################
# # General GA API methods
# ###############################################################################

# # Tim altered this - need to check it works or is needed?
# check.api<-function(API_USER_TOKEN){
#   if (!exists("API_USER_TOKEN")) {
#     args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
#     if (length(args)==0) {stop("Not API_USER_TOKEN found. Either set it in the code or pass it as an argument to the script!")}
#     else {API_USER_TOKEN <- args[1]}   # get it from command line argument
#   }
# }

# General functions--
UWAMEGFisheries/GlobalArchive documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 10:40 p.m.