
rsf package provides functions to make some basic manipulation wind resource files (*.rsf): crop, combine,reduce the number of sectors, vertical extrapolation, wind shear extraction, visualisation, ...

Install from Github using R:


install_github('rsf',  username='umercia')
# !! sometime, some dependencies (library) need to be installed manually (check the logs)


Usage examples

# Transform one rsf file (crop and reduce the number of sectors)
RSF_convert(rsf_file1 = "RSF-windresource-CFD_Hennoid [80m].rsf",  # rsf file name at H1=80m (*rsf)
            crop = TRUE,    # ask to crop the map around the wind farm (default value = 700 m around)
            layout_csv = "layout V2 Hennoid.csv",   # input file name for turbine positions (X,Y) (*csv)
            twelve_S = TRUE, # ask to convert the map from 36 sector rsf into 12
            output_name = "Hennoid") # set the output file root name

# In this example, the results would be exported into "[12S_0.1][crop_700]Hennoid.rsf" file 

# Create a 3 dimensional rsf based on two rsf files.
RSF_convert(rsf_file1 = "RSF-windresource-CFD_Hennoid [80m].rsf",  # first rsf file name at H1=80m (*.rsf)
            rsf_file2 = "RSF-windresource-CFD_Hennoid_[117].rsf",   # second rsf file name at H2=117m *.rsf)
            crop = TRUE,    # ask to crop the map around the wind farm (default value = 700 m around)
            layout_csv = "layout V2 Hennoid.csv",   # input file name for turbine positions (X,Y) (*csv)
            shear_out = TRUE,  # ask to ouput the wind shear (X,Y table) in a csv file
            three_D = TRUE,    # ask to build a 3 dimensional rsf 
            layer_H = c(94,105,112),    # add levels for the 3 dimensional rsf
            output_name = "Hennoid") # set the output file root name

# In this example, the results would be exported into "[3D][crop_700]Hennoid.rsf" and "[shear_table][crop_700]Hennoid.csv"

#Visualisation of the new 3 dimensional rsf file (*.rsf)
RSF_plot(rsf_file1 = "[3D][crop_700]Hennoid.rsf")  
# raster plot of A, k and wind speed (average or sectorwise)

#Visualisation of the shear file (*.csv)
Shear_plot(rsf_file1 = "[shear_table][crop_700]Hennoid.csv", 
           layout_csv = "layout V2 Hennoid.csv") # layout input (optional)
#ratser plot of wind shear (average or sectorwise)

Function list

The list of all the available function can be found here


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL (>= 2).

Umercia/rsf documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:38 p.m.