DependencyReporter: Recursive Package Dependency Reporter

DependencyReporterR Documentation

Recursive Package Dependency Reporter


This reporter looks at the recursive network of its dependencies on other packages. This allows a developer to understand how individual dependencies might lead to a much larger set of dependencies, potentially informing decisions on including or removing them.

Class Constructor

  • Initialize an instance of the reporter.

  • Returns:

    • Instantiated reporter object. Note that this reporter object isn't useful yet until you use the set_package method to set a package.

Public Methods

set_package(pkg_name, pkg_path = NULL)
  • Set the package that the reporter will analyze. This can only be done once for a given instance of a reporter. Instantiate a new copy of the reporter if you need to analyze a different package.

  • Args:

    • pkg_name: character string, name of package

    • pkg_path: character string, optional directory path to source code of the package. It is used for calculating test coverage. It can be an absolute or relative path.

  • Returns:

    • Self, invisibly.

  • Returns an htmlwidget object that summarizes the analysis of the reporter. Used when creating a package report.

  • Returns:

    • htmlwidget object

  • Calculates the default node and network measures for this reporter.

  • Returns:

    • Self, invisibly.

Public Fields


character string, name of set package. Read-only.


character string, path to R Markdown template for this reporter. Read-only.


a data.table, containing information about the nodes of the network the reporter is analyzing. The node column acts the identifier. Read-only.


a data.table, containing information about the edge connections of the network the reporter is analyzing. Each row is one edge, and the columns SOURCE and TARGET specify the node identifiers. Read-only.


a list, containing any measures of the network calculated by the reporter. Read-only.


a graph model object. See DirectedGraph for additional documentation. Read-only.


a graph visualization object. A visNetwork::visNetwork object. Read-only.


a character string, the current layout type for the graph visualization. Can be assigned a new valid layout type value. Use use grep("^layout_\\S", getNamespaceExports("igraph"), value = TRUE) to see valid options.

Special Methods

clone(deep = FALSE)
  • Method for copying an object. See Advanced R for the intricacies of R6 reference semantics.

  • Args:

    • deep: logical. Whether to recursively clone nested R6 objects.

  • Returns:

    • Cloned object of this class.

See Also

Other Network Reporters: FunctionReporter, InheritanceReporter

Other Package Reporters: FunctionReporter, InheritanceReporter, SummaryReporter


# Instantiate an object
reporter <- DependencyReporter$new()

# Seed it with a package

UptakeOpenSource/pkgnet documentation built on April 20, 2024, 3:14 p.m.