adis2csv2: Directly writes the content of an ADIS data file to multiple...

Description Usage Arguments Note


Do you really want to use another software than R to analyse your data??? - adis2csv2() helps you with this sad task... It uses read_adis to read ADIS files to R and directly writes all entities as .csv files in subdirectories of output_path for each header (.csv files are written by write.csv2).


adis2csv2(file, output_path = NULL, entities = NULL, ...)



Character of length 1. Full path to the ADIS file to be read, expected in UNIX-style ('/').


Character of length 1. Where shall the .csv files be saved ? (expected in UNIX-style ('/')). If NULL (default), the working directory is used.


Character vector. Which entities should be exported? Is recycled for all headers. If NULL (default), all.


Further arguments passed to read_adis.


Despite using write.csv2, the decimal points in the .csv files will be '.' because all items are imported as character vectors.

VZoche-Golob/RAdis documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:42 p.m.