Man pages for VeronikaPel/Basic_function
Function to understand basic bioinformatics proces

AllLeavesAllLeaves gives all choices of leaves in tree
breakpointFunction breakpoint shows steps, how is vector sorting with...
FibonacciFunction Fibonacci is funtion which takes the value of n-th...
HanojskavezHanojskavez is function which displays solution Tower of...
HirschbergHirschberg function return align sequences. This align is...
HMHM is function which return probability, that sequence is CpG...
LCP_vypocetFunction LCP_vypocet return vector, where value lcp[i]...
NextLeafNextLeaf demonstrates how to jump from an L-mer a = (a1 a2...
NextVertexNextVertex function moves down to the next lower level and...
NWScoreFunction NWScore return the last row of scoring matrix...
PartialDigestProblemPartialDigestProblem function given the (multi)set ∆X,...
suffix_arraysuffix_array is function giving every suffix, suffix array as...
VratitMinceFunction VratitMince takes vector which number of coins...
VeronikaPel/Basic_function documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:43 p.m.