Man pages for Vessy/Rmaze
A package for generating mazes

makeGraphCreate a connected maze graph that represents a rectangular...
makeImperfectGiven a perfect maze graph, create an imperfect maze graph.
makeMaze_dfsCreate a maze uzing a randomized version of depth-first...
makeMaze_kruskalCreate a maze uzing a randomized Kruskal's algorithm.
makeMaze_primCreate a maze uzing a randomized Prim's algorithm.
plotMazeGiven a maze graph, plot a maze.
plotMazeSolutionPlot maze solution (path)
runExampleA function to start a Shiny app that comes with the package....
stepByStepMAzePlot maze solution (path)
Vessy/Rmaze documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:54 p.m.