Man pages for Vitek-Lab/MSstatsLiP
LiP Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments

annotSiteAnnotate modification site
calculateProteolyticResistanceCalcutates proteolytic resistance for provided data. Requires...
calculateTrypticityCalculates level of trypticity for a list of LiP Peptides.
correlationPlotLiPPlot run correlation for provided LiP and TrP experiment.
dataProcessPlotsLiPVisualization for explanatory data analysis
dataSummarizationLiPSummarizes LiP and TrP datasets seperately using methods from...
DIANNtoMSstatsLiPFormatConverts raw LiP MS data from DIA-NN into the format needed...
groupComparisonLiPModel LiP and TrP data and make adjustments if needed Returns...
groupComparisonPlotsLiPVisualization for model-based analysis and summarization
locateModLocate modified sites with a peptide
locatePTMAnnotate modified sites with associated peptides
MSstatsLiPMSstatsLiP: A package for identifying and analyzing changes...
PCAPlotLiPVisualize PCA analysis for LiP and TrP datasets.
ResistanceBarcodePlotLiPProteolytic Resistance Barcode plot. Shows accessibility...
SkylinetoMSstatsLiPFormatConverts raw LiP MS data from Skyline into the format needed...
SpectronauttoMSstatsLiPFormatConverts raw LiP MS data from Spectronautt into the format...
StructuralBarcodePlotLiPBarcode plot. Shows protein coverge of LiP modified peptides.
tidyFastaRead and tidy a FASTA file
trypticHistogramLiPHistogram of Half vs Fully tryptic peptides. Calculates...
Vitek-Lab/MSstatsLiP documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:25 a.m.