a.a.main: MAIN

Description Usage Author(s)


The task of this function is to start the whole analyzation process of the spambase data. The analyzation is done several steps which can be seen in the following listing:

  1. main

    1. a.a.main

    2. a.b.main.spambase.analysis

  2. exploratory

    1. b.a.exploratory.data_analysis

    2. b.b.exploratory.structure_data

    3. b.c.exploratory.str_summary

    4. b.d.exploratory.correlations

    5. b.e.exploratory.dim_vis

  3. normality

    1. c.a.normality

    2. c.b.qqplots

    3. c.c.chisquare

    4. c.d.distribution_test

    5. c.e.norm_transform

  4. outlier detection

    1. d.a.outlier_handle

    2. d.b.outlier_detection

    3. d.c.outlier_variable

    4. d.d.outlier_delete

  5. outlier detection

    1. e.a.pca

    2. e.b.pca.analyze

    3. e.c.factor.analysis

  6. outlier detection

    1. f.a.clustering

    2. f.b.hierarchical

    3. f.c.kmeans

    4. f.d.cmeans

    5. f.e.plotWSSVsK

Further more there is the util script for supporting the other scritps:

Each of clickable listing elements are functions in the package which have a specific task.

A separate project documentation was foregone to avoid duplicate documentation. Therefore this documentation is extended to take that into account.

The naming convention with LETTER.LETTER.FUNCTIONNAME has solely the purpose to ensure the correct ordering of the functions in the generated pdf of the documentation which was done by roxygen2. Otherwise the order of function and project descriptions may not follow the linear process of the steps and makes the understanding more difficult.

It executes just one function: a.b.main.spambase.analysis




Vitali Friesen

Vitlik/DA1-16 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:01 p.m.