Man pages for Vitlik/DA2-17
Image Recognition

a.b.main.image.recognitionMAIN - Image Recognition
b.a.preprocessing.startFeature Extraction - Wrapper function
b.b.createTrainTestDataIndexesPreprocessing - Create Train Test DataSet Indexes
b.c.loadClassDataFeature Extraction - Step 2
b.d.normalization.startPreprocessing - Method that starts either the...
b.d.rgbNormPreprocessing - Normalize rgb images to remove shadow and...
b.e.transformGrayscalePreprocessing - Transform rgb images to grayscale
b.f.transformHistEqualRgbPreprocessing - Transform rgb images using histogram...
b.g.transformHistEqualGrayPreprocessing - Transform grayscale images using histogram...
b.h.displayImageHistPreprocessing - Display the histogram of an image
b.i.randAssignAccuracyPreprocessing -
b.j.assignSimpelAccuracyPreprocessing -
b.k.rgbNormPreprocessing -
c.a.feature.startFeature Extraction - Wrapper function
c.b.colorHistFeature Extraction - Step 1
c.c.colorHistPlottingFeature Extraction - Plotting Histograms
c.d.hogFeature Extraction - Step 2 (Histogram of Oriented Gradients)
c.e.displayHogFeatureFeature Extraction - display HOG (Histogram of Oriented...
c.f.plotHogCellVectorsFeature Extraction - plot HOG (Histogram of Oriented...
c.g.getPixelInfoFeature Extraction -
d.a.randomForest.startRandom Forest - Wrapper function
d.b.step1Classifier 1 - Step 1
d.c.step2Random Forest - Step 2
d.d.evaluationRandom Forrest - Evaluation
d.e.plotImportanceColorHistClassifier 1 - Step 1
e.a.ann.startArtifical Neural Network - Wrapper function
e.b.ann.step1Artificial Neural Network - Model generation
f.a.cnn.startConvolutional Neural Network - Wrapper function
f.b.cnn.step1Convolutional Neural Network - Step 1
f.c.cnn.step2Convolutional Neural Network - Step 2
g.a.svm.startClassifier Support Vector Machine - Wrapper function
g.b.step1Classifier Support Vector Machine - Step 1
g.c.step2Classifier Support Vector Machine - Step 2
z.a.util.gen.summaryUtil - Generate Summary
z.b.util.diffUtil - DIfference
z.c.boxcoxUtil - Boxcox
z.d.loglikUtil - Log-likelihood
z.e.RGBAtoRGBUtil - Function that converts RGBA to RGB
z.f.displayRgbImageUtil - function that rasters and displays an image
z.g.readImageUtil - function that reads in an image from the given path
z.z.util.set.environmentUtil - Environment Setting
Vitlik/DA2-17 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:12 a.m.