estimateIRsolid: Estimate parameters in Inversion Recovery MRI experiments...

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estimateIRsolidR Documentation

Estimate parameters in Inversion Recovery MRI experiments mixture model for non-fluid voxel


The Inversion Recovery MRI signal in non-fluid voxel follows is modeled as a mixture of a fluid and a solid compartment.


estimateIRsolid(IRfluidobj, TEScale = 100, dataScale = 1000,
verbose = TRUE, lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(0.95, 2, 2))



Object of class "IRfluid" as generated by function estimateIRfluid.


Internal scale factor for Echo Times. This influences parameter scales in numerical calculations.


Internal scale factor for MR signals. This influences parameter scales in numerical calculations.


Logical. Provide some runtime diagnostics.


Lower bounds for parameter values.


Upper bounds for parameter values.


The Inversion Recovery MRI signal in non-fluid voxel follows is modeled as a mixture of a fluid and a solid compartment. The function calculates estimates of the maximum signal and recovery rate for the solid compartment and a mixture coefficient (proportion of fluid) for all voxel with segment%in%2:3using results from function estimateIRfluid.


List of class IRmixed with components


4D array containing the IRMRI data, first dimension refers to inversion times


vector of inversion times


segmentation codes, 1 for CSF, 2 for GM, 3 for WM, 0 for out of brain


noise standard deviation, if not specified estimated fron CSF areas in image with largest inversion time


effective number of coils


Array of fluid proportions


Array of maximal signals


Array of relaxation rates


Global estimate of maximal fluid signal


Global estimate of fluid relaxation rate


Covariance matrix of estimates fx, Sx and Rx.


Array of provided or estimated noise standard deviations


Array of convergence indicators


Residual standard deviations


"NLS" for nonlinear regression or "QL" for quasi likelihood.


Method used for variance estimation

The arrays contain entries for all voxel with segments%in%1:3.


Karsten Tabelow
J\"org Polzehl

See Also

estimateIRfluid, estimateIR, estimateIRsolidfixed,smoothIRSolid


##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.

## The function is currently defined as
function (IRdata, InvTimes, segments, Sfluid, Rfluid, TEScale = 100, 
    dataScale = 1000, method = c("NLR", "QL"), sigma = NULL, 
    L = 1, maxR2star = 50, varest = c("RSS", "data"), verbose = TRUE, 
    lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(0.95, 2, 2)) 
    mask <- segments > 1
    nvoxel <- sum(mask)
    ntimes <- length(InvTimes)
    InvTimes[InvTimes == Inf] <- 50 * max(InvTimes[InvTimes != 
    dimdata <- dim(IRdata)
    if (dimdata[1] != ntimes) 
        stop("estimateIRsolid: incompatible length of InvTimes")
    if (any(dimdata[-1] != dim(mask))) 
        stop("estimateIRsolid: incompatible dimension of segments")
    InvTimesScaled <- InvTimes/TEScale
    npar <- 3
    fx <- Rx <- Sx <- rsdx <- array(0, dim(mask))
    ICovx <- array(0, c(3, 3, prod(dim(mask))))
    Convx <- array(0, dim(mask))
    fx[segments == 1] <- 1
    Rx[segments == 1] <- Rfluid
    Sx[segments == 1] <- Sfluid
    Convx[segments == 1] <- 1
    ICovx[1, 1, segments == 1] <- 1e+20
    ICovx[2, 2, segments == 1] <- 1e+20
    ICovx[3, 3, segments == 1] <- 1e+20
    isConv <- array(FALSE, nvoxel)
    isThresh <- array(FALSE, nvoxel)
    modelCoeff <- array(0, c(npar, nvoxel))
    invCov <- array(0, c(npar, npar, nvoxel))
    rsigma <- array(0, nvoxel)
    if (method[1] == "QL") {
        if (is.null(sigma)) {
            method <- "NLR"
            warning("estimateIRsolid: method QL needs sigma estimated from fluid or supplied")
        sig <- sigma/dataScale
        CL <- sig * sqrt(pi/2) * gamma(L + 0.5)/gamma(L)/gamma(1.5)
    dim(IRdata) <- c(dimdata[1], prod(dim(segments)))
    IRdataSolid <- IRdata[, mask]
    thetas <- matrix(0, 3, nvoxel)
    thetas[3, ] <- IRdataSolid[(1:ntimes)[InvTimes == max(InvTimes)][1], 
    thetas[2, ] <- 1/median(InvTimesScaled)
    thetas[1, ] <- 0.3
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Start estimation in", nvoxel, "voxel at", format(Sys.time()), 
        pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nvoxel, style = 3)
    for (xyz in 1:nvoxel) {
        ivec <- IRdataSolid[, xyz]/dataScale
        th <- thetas[, xyz]
        res <- if (method[1] == "NLR") 
            try(nls(ivec ~ IRmix2(par, ITS, Sfluid, Rfluid), 
                data = list(ITS = InvTimesScaled, Sfluid = Sfluid, 
                  Rfluid = Rfluid), start = list(par = th), control = list(maxiter = 200, 
                  warnOnly = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
        else try(nls(ivec ~ IRmix2QL(par, ITS, Sfluid, Rfluid, 
            CL, sig, L), data = list(ITS = InvTimesScaled, Sfluid = Sfluid, 
            Rfluid = Rfluid, CL = CL, sig = sig, L = L), start = list(par = th), 
            control = list(maxiter = 200, warnOnly = TRUE)), 
            silent = TRUE)
        if (class(res) != "try-error") {
            thhat <- coef(res)
            outofrange <- any(thhat != pmin(upper, pmax(lower, 
        if (class(res) == "try-error" || outofrange) {
            th <- pmin(upper, pmax(lower, th))
            res <- if (method[1] == "NLR") 
                try(nls(ivec ~ IRmix2(par, ITS, Sfluid, Rfluid), 
                  data = list(ITS = InvTimesScaled, Sfluid = Sfluid, 
                    Rfluid = Rfluid), start = list(par = th), 
                  algorithm = "port", control = list(maxiter = 200, 
                    warnOnly = TRUE), lower = lower, upper = upper), 
                  silent = TRUE)
            else try(nls(ivec ~ IRmix2QL(par, ITS, Sfluid, Rfluid, 
                CL, sig, L), data = list(ITS = InvTimesScaled, 
                Sfluid = Sfluid, Rfluid = Rfluid, CL = CL, sig = sig, 
                L = L), start = list(par = th), algorithm = "port", 
                control = list(maxiter = 200, warnOnly = TRUE), 
                lower = lower, upper = upper), silent = TRUE)
        if (class(res) != "try-error") {
            sres <- if (varest[1] == "RSS") 
            else getnlspars2(res, shat[, xyz], sind)
            isConv[xyz] <- as.integer(res$convInfo$isConv)
            modelCoeff[, xyz] <- sres$coefficients
            if (sres$sigma != 0) {
                invCov[, , xyz] <- sres$invCov
                rsigma[xyz] <- sres$sigma
        if (verbose) 
            if (xyz%/%1000 * 1000 == xyz) 
                setTxtProgressBar(pb, xyz)
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Finished estimation", format(Sys.time()), "\n")
    fx[mask] <- modelCoeff[1, ]
    Rx[mask] <- modelCoeff[2, ]
    Sx[mask] <- modelCoeff[3, ]
    ICovx[, , mask] <- invCov
    dim(ICovx) <- c(3, 3, dim(mask))
    Convx[mask] <- isConv
    rsdx[mask] <- rsigma
    list(fx = fx, Rx = Rx, Sx = Sx, Sf = Sfluid, Rf = Rfluid, 
        ICovx = ICovx, Convx = Convx, sigma = sigma, rsdx = rsdx)

WIAS-BERLIN/qMRI documentation built on March 28, 2024, 5:33 a.m.