metID.CFM: Wrapper function for Competitive Fragmentation modelling...

Description Usage Arguments Source


The function will automatically run as a parallel computation is the compMS2 object was created in parallel.


metID.CFM(object, ...)



a "compMS2" class object.


character vector of composite spectra names (e.g. CC_1, CC_2 etc.) otherwise the default is to perform CFM fragmentation on all composite spectra.


logical default = FALSE fraggraph-gen .csv output file will be created as temporary files otherwise if TRUE file will be retained in subdirectories named by composite spectrum name.


numeric minimum mean total ion current explained (default = 0.9) the candidate with the highest proportion of the total ion current explained above this minimum will be automatically added to the Comments table. The argument autoPossId must also be set to TRUE.


logical if TRUE the function will automatically add the name of the top annotation based on mean total ion current explained and metFrag score (default = FALSE). Caution if TRUE this will overwrite any existing possible_identities in the "metID comments" table. This functionality is intended as an automatic annotation identification tool prior to thorough examination of the data in compMS2Explorer. The intention is that automatic annotations can be used in the metID.rtPred retention prediction function as part of a seamless first-pass workflow.


numeric how many times does a possible annotation have to appear in the automatically generated possible annotations for it to be considered a contaminant and therefore not added to the "metID comment" table (default = 3, i.e. if a database name appears more than 3 times in the automatic annotation table it will be removed).


logical if TRUE display progress bars.


  1. Allen F, Pon A, Wilson M, Greiner R, and Wishart D. CFM-ID: a web server for annotation, spectrum prediction and metabolite identification from tandem mass spectra. Nucleic Acids Res. June 2014.

  2. fraggraph-gen.exe file in extdata downloaded (2016/07/09, from

  3. lpsolve.dll in extdata downloaded (2016/07/09, lp_solve_5.5.2.3_IDE_Setup.exe) from

WMBEdmands/compMS2Miner documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:04 p.m.