
The MRPracticals R package provides necessary information for MR course practical sessions. It requires R version 3.5 and R Studio to be installed, as well as Rtools which is available at for processing vignette files. It is also necessary to have a google account for MR Base authorisation.

Information for two separate pratical sessions is currently included, pertaining to:

  1. MR Base
  2. The RadialMR package
  3. The MVMR package


To install MRPracticals directly from the GitHub repository, first make sure you have R version 3.5 or higher, R Studio, and R Tools version 3.5 installed.

Next, open R Studio and install the devtools, knitr, and rmarkdown packages:

install.packages(c("devtools", "knitr", "rmarkdown"))

Next, we need to install the TwoSampleMR and MRInstruments R packages from Github.


Then the MRPracticals package can be installed using:

install_github("WSpiller/MRPracticals",build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"),build_vignettes = TRUE)

To update the package just run the install_github("WSpiller/MRPracticals", build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual")) command again.


The MRPracticals package contains a sample data frame, and two vignette files with code and instructions:

  1. Running the command vignette("MRBase") will display a document giving a detailed description of the MR Base practical.

  2. Running the command vignette("RadialMR") will display a document giving a detailed description of the RadialMR practical.

  3. Running the command vignette("MVMR Tutorial") will display a document giving a detailed description of the MVMR practical.


This package contains material from the MR course, conducted at the University of Bristol.


This project is licensed under GNU GPL v2.

WSpiller/MRPracticals documentation built on April 25, 2020, 10:52 a.m.