Man pages for Waller-SUSAN/envi
Environmental Interpolation using Spatial Kernel Density Estimation

div_plotPrepare an 'im' or 'SpatRaster' object for plotting with...
envi-packageThe envi Package: Environmental Interpolation using Spatial...
lrrenEcological niche model using a log relative risk surface
perlrrenSpatially perturb an ecological niche model that uses a log...
plot_cvVisualizations for the prediction diagnostics of an estimated...
plot_obsVisualizations for an estimated ecological niche in covariate...
plot_perturbVisualizations for a simulated ecological niche after...
plot_predictVisualizations for a predicted ecological niche in geographic...
pval_correctCalculate p-value corrections
seq_plotPrepare an 'im' or 'SpatRaster' object for plotting with...
Waller-SUSAN/envi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 12:35 a.m.