Man pages for WarwickCIM/backfillz
MCMC visualisation package

as_backfillzConvert stanFit object to a Backfillz object
backfillz-classAn S4 class to represent a the backfillz plot object.
df_to_stanarrayConverts a data frame to the output structure of extract
plot_slice_histogramCreates a slice histogram of MCMC chains
plot_spiral_streamCreates a spiral steamgrapgh of MCMC chains
plot_trace_dialCreates a trace dial plot
recall_plotsRecall a series of plots from the backfillz object using the...
sample_stanfitExample stanfit object
set_themeSet graphical plot slots of a backfillz object to a theme
WarwickCIM/backfillz documentation built on Sept. 27, 2022, 5:41 a.m.