GeoPotHeight: GeoPotHeight

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


Provides the geopotential height.


GeoPotHeight(.latitude, .H = 0, .geoid = 0)



The latitude (or vector of latitudes) in units of degrees N.


The altitude in meters above the geoid representing mean sea level, or a vector containing such quantities. The GPS-provided variable "GGALT" is appropriate.


The height of the geoid above the WGS84 reference ellipse. This usually introduces a small correction to the results obtained with .geoid equal to zero. The variable GGEOIDHT in RAF-supplied data files is appropriate to use here.


The formula used incorporates the dependence of gravity on latitude and on altitude above the WGS-84 geoid, as represented by the Somigliana factor and a Taylor expansion of the dependence on height. See the code for "Gravity.R" for more details regarding the coefficients used.


A variable or vector of variables representing geopotential height [m].


William Cooper

WilliamCooper/Ranadu documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:40 a.m.