

Showing that cdata works the same with an rquery pipeline both in memory and on databases. Example from "Fluid data reshaping with cdata".

## Loading required package: rquery
# example from: http://winvector.github.io/FluidData/FluidDataReshapingWithCdata.html
d <- wrapr::build_frame(
  "val_loss", "val_acc", "loss" , "acc" , "epoch" |
  -0.377    , 0.8722   , -0.5067, 0.7852, 1       |
  -0.2997   , 0.8895   , -0.3002, 0.904 , 2       |
  -0.2964   , 0.8822   , -0.2166, 0.9303, 3       |
  -0.2779   , 0.8899   , -0.1739, 0.9428, 4       |
  -0.2843   , 0.8861   , -0.1411, 0.9545, 5       |
  -0.312    , 0.8817   , -0.1136, 0.9656, 6       )

controlTable = build_frame(
  "measure"                   , "training", "validation" |
  "minus binary cross entropy", "loss"    , "val_loss"   |
  "accuracy"                  , "acc"     , "val_acc"    )
d1 <- rowrecs_to_blocks(
  controlTable = controlTable,
  columnsToCopy = "epoch")


| epoch| measure | training| validation| |------:|:---------------------------|---------:|-----------:| | 1| accuracy | 0.7852| 0.8722| | 1| minus binary cross entropy | -0.5067| -0.3770| | 2| accuracy | 0.9040| 0.8895| | 2| minus binary cross entropy | -0.3002| -0.2997| | 3| accuracy | 0.9303| 0.8822| | 3| minus binary cross entropy | -0.2166| -0.2964| | 4| accuracy | 0.9428| 0.8899| | 4| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1739| -0.2779| | 5| accuracy | 0.9545| 0.8861| | 5| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1411| -0.2843| | 6| accuracy | 0.9656| 0.8817| | 6| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1136| -0.3120|

d2 <- blocks_to_rowrecs(
  controlTable = controlTable,
  keyColumns = "epoch")


| epoch| acc| loss| val_acc| val_loss| |------:|-------:|--------:|---------:|----------:| | 1| 0.7852| -0.5067| 0.8722| -0.3770| | 2| 0.9040| -0.3002| 0.8895| -0.2997| | 3| 0.9303| -0.2166| 0.8822| -0.2964| | 4| 0.9428| -0.1739| 0.8899| -0.2779| | 5| 0.9545| -0.1411| 0.8861| -0.2843| | 6| 0.9656| -0.1136| 0.8817| -0.3120|

ops1 <- local_td(d) %.>%
    controlTable = controlTable,
    columnsToCopy = "epoch")

## table(d; 
##   val_loss,
##   val_acc,
##   loss,
##   acc,
##   epoch) %.>%
##  non_sql_node(., rowrecs_to_blocks(.))
d %.>% 
  ops1 %.>%

| epoch| measure | training| validation| |------:|:---------------------------|---------:|-----------:| | 1| accuracy | 0.7852| 0.8722| | 1| minus binary cross entropy | -0.5067| -0.3770| | 2| accuracy | 0.9040| 0.8895| | 2| minus binary cross entropy | -0.3002| -0.2997| | 3| accuracy | 0.9303| 0.8822| | 3| minus binary cross entropy | -0.2166| -0.2964| | 4| accuracy | 0.9428| 0.8899| | 4| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1739| -0.2779| | 5| accuracy | 0.9545| 0.8861| | 5| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1411| -0.2843| | 6| accuracy | 0.9656| 0.8817| | 6| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1136| -0.3120|

ops2 <- local_td(d1) %.>%
    controlTable = controlTable,
    keyColumns = "epoch")

## table(d1; 
##   epoch,
##   measure,
##   training,
##   validation) %.>%
##  non_sql_node(., blocks_to_rowrecs(.))
d1 %.>% 
  ops2 %.>%

| epoch| acc| loss| val_acc| val_loss| |------:|-------:|--------:|---------:|----------:| | 1| 0.7852| -0.5067| 0.8722| -0.3770| | 2| 0.9040| -0.3002| 0.8895| -0.2997| | 3| 0.9303| -0.2166| 0.8822| -0.2964| | 4| 0.9428| -0.1739| 0.8899| -0.2779| | 5| 0.9545| -0.1411| 0.8861| -0.2843| | 6| 0.9656| -0.1136| 0.8817| -0.3120|

db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")

rq_copy_to(db, "d", d)
## [1] "table(`d`; val_loss, val_acc, loss, acc, epoch)"
db %.>% 
  ops1 %.>%

| epoch| measure | training| validation| |------:|:---------------------------|---------:|-----------:| | 1| minus binary cross entropy | -0.5067| -0.3770| | 1| accuracy | 0.7852| 0.8722| | 2| minus binary cross entropy | -0.3002| -0.2997| | 2| accuracy | 0.9040| 0.8895| | 3| minus binary cross entropy | -0.2166| -0.2964| | 3| accuracy | 0.9303| 0.8822| | 4| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1739| -0.2779| | 4| accuracy | 0.9428| 0.8899| | 5| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1411| -0.2843| | 5| accuracy | 0.9545| 0.8861| | 6| minus binary cross entropy | -0.1136| -0.3120| | 6| accuracy | 0.9656| 0.8817|

rq_copy_to(db, "d1", d1)
## [1] "table(`d1`; epoch, measure, training, validation)"
db %.>% ops2 %.>%

| epoch| loss| acc| val_loss| val_acc| |------:|--------:|-------:|----------:|---------:| | 1| -0.5067| 0.7852| -0.3770| 0.8722| | 2| -0.3002| 0.9040| -0.2997| 0.8895| | 3| -0.2166| 0.9303| -0.2964| 0.8822| | 4| -0.1739| 0.9428| -0.2779| 0.8899| | 5| -0.1411| 0.9545| -0.2843| 0.8861| | 6| -0.1136| 0.9656| -0.3120| 0.8817|


WinVector/cdata documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 3:56 a.m.