
Grouped Performance Demonstration

For this example we will look at a per-group maximum calculation over many rows and a few columns.

First we make the example data.

nrow <- 1000000
ndcol <- 10

mk_data <- function(nrow, ndcol) {
  d <- data.frame(
    g = sprintf("level_%09g", sample.int(nrow, size = nrow, replace = TRUE)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  for(j in seq_len(ndcol)) {
    v <- sprintf("v_%05g", j)
    d[[v]] <- rnorm(nrow)

d <- mk_data(nrow, ndcol)
write.csv(d, file = gzfile("d.csv.gz"), quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
vars <- setdiff(colnames(d), 'g')

Example processing, rqdatatable.

## Loading required package: wrapr

## Loading required package: rquery
## [1] '1.4.5'
## [1] '1.2.8'
ops_rquery <- local_td(d, name = 'd') %.>%
         paste0('max_', vars) %:=% paste0('max(', vars, ')'),
         partitionby = 'g') %.>%
             c('g', vars))

## mk_td("d", c(
##   "g",
##   "v_00001",
##   "v_00002",
##   "v_00003",
##   "v_00004",
##   "v_00005",
##   "v_00006",
##   "v_00007",
##   "v_00008",
##   "v_00009",
##   "v_00010")) %.>%
##  extend(.,
##   max_v_00001 := max(v_00001),
##   max_v_00002 := max(v_00002),
##   max_v_00003 := max(v_00003),
##   max_v_00004 := max(v_00004),
##   max_v_00005 := max(v_00005),
##   max_v_00006 := max(v_00006),
##   max_v_00007 := max(v_00007),
##   max_v_00008 := max(v_00008),
##   max_v_00009 := max(v_00009),
##   max_v_00010 := max(v_00010),
##   partitionby = c('g'),
##   orderby = c(),
##   reverse = c()) %.>%
##  order_rows(.,
##   c('g', 'v_00001', 'v_00002', 'v_00003', 'v_00004', 'v_00005', 'v_00006', 'v_00007', 'v_00008', 'v_00009', 'v_00010'),
##   reverse = c(),
##   limit = NULL)
res_rqdatatable <- d %.>% ops_rquery


| g | v_00001 | v_00002 | v_00003 | v_00004 | v_00005 | v_00006 | v_00007 | v_00008 | v_00009 | v_00010 | max_v_00001 | max_v_00002 | max_v_00003 | max_v_00004 | max_v_00005 | max_v_00006 | max_v_00007 | max_v_00008 | max_v_00009 | max_v_00010 | | :--------------- | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ----------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | ------------: | | level_000000002 | 0.4800527 | 0.5568117 | -0.2951862 | 1.0696033 | -1.2873800 | -0.3437869 | -0.5558743 | 0.4819933 | -0.0857788 | -1.2034138 | 0.4800527 | 0.5568117 | -0.2951862 | 1.0696033 | -1.2873800 | -0.3437869 | -0.5558743 | 0.4819933 | -0.0857788 | -1.2034138 | | level_000000003 | -0.0525336 | 0.9835632 | 0.1454660 | 1.1532623 | -0.1022689 | 0.5935545 | -0.4377926 | -0.0526614 | 1.3651697 | 1.8405414 | -0.0525336 | 0.9835632 | 0.1454660 | 1.1532623 | -0.1022689 | 0.5935545 | -0.4377926 | -0.0526614 | 1.3651697 | 1.8405414 | | level_000000004 | 0.1147691 | -0.2282867 | -0.7392376 | 0.6819956 | -0.4764646 | -0.8157944 | 0.4263617 | 0.3086669 | -0.6851846 | 0.6475868 | 1.3028178 | -0.0204083 | -0.5912287 | 0.6819956 | 0.0312253 | 0.5188793 | 0.4263617 | 0.5229186 | 0.0312696 | 0.6475868 | | level_000000004 | 1.3028178 | -0.0204083 | -0.5912287 | -0.4535013 | 0.0312253 | 0.5188793 | -0.7246705 | 0.5229186 | 0.0312696 | 0.2899714 | 1.3028178 | -0.0204083 | -0.5912287 | 0.6819956 | 0.0312253 | 0.5188793 | 0.4263617 | 0.5229186 | 0.0312696 | 0.6475868 | | level_000000005 | 0.2099386 | 0.5685254 | -0.6571189 | 1.7918295 | 1.8004274 | -0.1236607 | 0.0845795 | 0.0578379 | 1.0474681 | 0.6233145 | 1.0170890 | 0.5685254 | -0.0226812 | 1.7918295 | 1.8004274 | 0.5198738 | 0.0845795 | 1.8052422 | 1.0474681 | 2.6047389 | | level_000000005 | 1.0170890 | -0.1103282 | -0.0226812 | 1.0350335 | -1.2260081 | 0.5198738 | -0.7549627 | 1.8052422 | -0.7939559 | 2.6047389 | 1.0170890 | 0.5685254 | -0.0226812 | 1.7918295 | 1.8004274 | 0.5198738 | 0.0845795 | 1.8052422 | 1.0474681 | 2.6047389 |

write.csv(res_rqdatatable, file = gzfile("res.csv.gz"), quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

Example processing, base R.

f_base <- function(d) {
  d_res <- d
  perm <- do.call(order, as.list(d_res[, c('g', vars), drop= FALSE]))
  d_res <- d_res[perm, , drop=FALSE]
  rownames(d_res) <- NULL
  for(v in vars) {
    agg <- tapply(d_res[[v]], d_res$g, max)
    agg_v <- as.numeric(agg)
    names(agg_v) <- names(agg)
    d_res[[paste0('max_', v)]] = agg_v[d_res$g]

res_base <- f_base(d)

stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(data.frame(res_base), data.frame(res_rqdatatable))))

Example processing rquery/db.

## [1] '1.1.0'
## [1] '2.2.0'
raw_connection <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
db <- rquery_db_info(
  connection = raw_connection,
  is_dbi = TRUE,
  connection_options = rq_connection_tests(raw_connection))

cat(to_sql(ops_rquery, db))
##   `g`,
##   `v_00001`,
##   `v_00002`,
##   `v_00003`,
##   `v_00004`,
##   `v_00005`,
##   `v_00006`,
##   `v_00007`,
##   `v_00008`,
##   `v_00009`,
##   `v_00010`,
##   max ( `v_00001` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00001`,
##   max ( `v_00002` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00002`,
##   max ( `v_00003` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00003`,
##   max ( `v_00004` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00004`,
##   max ( `v_00005` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00005`,
##   max ( `v_00006` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00006`,
##   max ( `v_00007` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00007`,
##   max ( `v_00008` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00008`,
##   max ( `v_00009` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00009`,
##   max ( `v_00010` ) OVER (  PARTITION BY `g` ) AS `max_v_00010`
##  FROM (
##    `g`,
##    `v_00001`,
##    `v_00002`,
##    `v_00003`,
##    `v_00004`,
##    `v_00005`,
##    `v_00006`,
##    `v_00007`,
##    `v_00008`,
##    `v_00009`,
##    `v_00010`
##   FROM
##    `d`
##   ) tsql_54305123256826245803_0000000000
## ) tsql_54305123256826245803_0000000001 ORDER BY `g`, `v_00001`, `v_00002`, `v_00003`, `v_00004`, `v_00005`, `v_00006`, `v_00007`, `v_00008`, `v_00009`, `v_00010`
f_rquery_db <- function(d) {
  rquery::rq_copy_to(db, "d", d, 
                     temporary = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
  res <- execute(db, ops_rquery)

res_rquery_db <- f_rquery_db(d)

stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(data.frame(res_rquery_db), data.frame(res_rqdatatable))))

Example processing data.table.

## Attaching package: 'data.table'

## The following object is masked from 'package:wrapr':
##     :=
## [1] '1.12.8'
f_data.table <- function(d) {
  dt <- data.table(d)
  exprs <- paste0('max_', vars, ' = max(', vars, ')')
  stmt <- paste0('dt[, `:=`(', paste(exprs, collapse = ', '), '), by = g]')
  dt <- eval(parse(text=stmt))
  setorderv(dt, c('g', vars))

res_data.table <- f_data.table(d)

stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(res_rqdatatable, data.frame(res_data.table))))

Example processing, dplyr.

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
##     between, first, last

## The following object is masked from 'package:wrapr':
##     coalesce

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'rlang'

## The following object is masked from 'package:data.table':
##     :=

## The following object is masked from 'package:wrapr':
##     :=
## [1] '0.8.4'
exprs <- paste0('max_', vars, ' := max(', vars, ')')
rlang_expr <- eval(parse(text=paste0('exprs(', paste(exprs, collapse = ', '), ')')))
rlang_cols <- syms(c('g', vars))

ops_dplyr <- . %>%
  group_by(g) %>%
  mutate(!!!rlang_expr) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

res_dplyr <- d %>% ops_dplyr

stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(res_rqdatatable, data.frame(res_dplyr))))

Example processing, dbplyr.

## Attaching package: 'dbplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     ident, sql
## [1] '0.8.4'
ops_dbplyr <- tbl(raw_connection, "d") %>%
  group_by(g) %>%
  mutate(!!!rlang_expr) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

## <SQL>

## Warning: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
## Use `MAX(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
## This warning is displayed only once per session.

## SELECT `g`, `v_00001`, `v_00002`, `v_00003`, `v_00004`, `v_00005`, `v_00006`, `v_00007`, `v_00008`, `v_00009`, `v_00010`, MAX(`v_00001`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00001`, MAX(`v_00002`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00002`, MAX(`v_00003`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00003`, MAX(`v_00004`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00004`, MAX(`v_00005`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00005`, MAX(`v_00006`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00006`, MAX(`v_00007`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00007`, MAX(`v_00008`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00008`, MAX(`v_00009`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00009`, MAX(`v_00010`) OVER (PARTITION BY `g`) AS `max_v_00010`
## FROM `d`
## ORDER BY `g`, `v_00001`, `v_00002`, `v_00003`, `v_00004`, `v_00005`, `v_00006`, `v_00007`, `v_00008`, `v_00009`, `v_00010`
f_dbplyr <- function(d) {
  dplyr::copy_to(raw_connection, df=d, name="d", 
                     temporary = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
  res <- compute(ops_dbplyr)

res_dbplyr <- f_dbplyr(d)

stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(data.frame(res_dbplyr), data.frame(res_rqdatatable))))

Example processing, dtplyr.

## [1] '1.0.1'
exprs <- paste0('max_', vars, ' := max(', vars, ')')
rlang_expr <- eval(parse(text=paste0('exprs(', paste(exprs, collapse = ', '), ')')))
rlang_cols <- syms(c('g', vars))

ops_dtplyr <- . %>%
  lazy_dt() %>%
  group_by(g) %>%
  mutate(!!!rlang_expr) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(!!!rlang_cols) %>%

res_dtplyr <- d %>% ops_dtplyr
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(res_rqdatatable, data.frame(res_dtplyr))))

  base_R = f_base(d),
  data.table = f_data.table(d),
  dplyr = d %>% ops_dplyr,
  dbplyr = f_dbplyr(d),
  dtplyr = d %>% ops_dtplyr,
  rqdatatable = d %.>% ops_rquery,
  rquery_db = f_rquery_db(d),
  times = 5L)
## Unit: seconds
##         expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
##       base_R 62.887651 62.923738 63.750470 63.590133 64.425760 64.925069     5
##   data.table  6.987237  7.122194  7.477244  7.513078  7.657816  8.105896     5
##        dplyr 31.126465 31.162979 31.493564 31.242731 31.489243 32.446402     5
##       dbplyr 11.907045 11.926958 12.276748 12.331318 12.588768 12.629650     5
##       dtplyr  8.621169  9.160520  9.922092  9.455926 10.583315 11.789530     5
##  rqdatatable  7.577565  7.584150  7.844445  7.805707  7.991885  8.262919     5
##    rquery_db 14.274705 14.931324 15.387234 15.800935 15.850284 16.078924     5

Details for a small performance comparison run on 2020-02-26.

Machine was an idle Late 2013 Mac Mini running macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5, Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3.

##                _                           
## platform       x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0   
## arch           x86_64                      
## os             darwin15.6.0                
## system         x86_64, darwin15.6.0        
## status                                     
## major          3                           
## minor          6.2                         
## year           2019                        
## month          12                          
## day            12                          
## svn rev        77560                       
## language       R                           
## version.string R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
## nickname       Dark and Stormy Night

WinVector/rqdatatable documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 3:25 p.m.