knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


# Plot data and thresholds
plot_data_and_T = function(d, expect) {
  df = d[, dvars]
  df$y = runif(nrow(df), max=0.1)
  ggplot() + 
    geom_point(data=df, aes(x=predicted_probability, y=y, color=made_purchase)) + 
    geom_vline(data=expect, aes(xintercept=threshold), linetype=2) + 

# calculate the counts for a threshold
get_counts = function(d, threshold) {
  p = d$predicted_probability
  cls = d$made_purchase

  total = sum(p >= threshold)
  tn_count = sum(p < threshold & cls==FALSE)
  fn_count = sum(p < threshold & cls==TRUE)
  tp_count = sum(p >= threshold & cls==TRUE)
  fp_count = sum(p >= threshold & cls==FALSE)


get_all_counts = function(d, expect) {
  thresholds = expect$threshold
  thresholds = ifelse(, 1.01, thresholds)
  flist = lapply(thresholds, function(th) get_counts(d, th))

test 1

 d <- data.frame(
    predicted_probability = c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
    made_purchase = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
    false_positive_value = -5,    # acting on any predicted positive costs $5
    true_positive_value = 95,     # revenue on a true positive is $100 minus action cost
    true_negative_value = 0.001,  # true negatives have no value in our application
    # but just give ourselves a small reward for being right
    false_negative_value = -0.01  # adding a small notional tax for false negatives,
    # don't want our competitor getting these accounts.
dvars = qc(predicted_probability, made_purchase)

values <- model_utility(d, 'predicted_probability', 'made_purchase')

evars = qc(threshold, count_taken, true_negative_count, false_negative_count, true_positive_count, false_positive_count)

d[, dvars]
plot_data_and_T(d, values) + ggtitle("test 1")
get_all_counts(d, values)
values[, evars]

test 2

 d <- data.frame(
    predicted_probability = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0),
    made_purchase = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
    false_positive_value = -5,    # acting on any predicted positive costs $5
    true_positive_value = 95,     # revenue on a true positive is $100 minus action cost
    true_negative_value = 0.001,  # true negatives have no value in our application
    # but just give ourselves a small reward for being right
    false_negative_value = -0.01  # adding a small notional tax for false negatives,
    # don't want our competitor getting these accounts.

values <- model_utility(d, 'predicted_probability', 'made_purchase')

d[, dvars]
plot_data_and_T(d, values) + ggtitle("test 2")
get_all_counts(d, values)
values[, evars]

test 3

 d <- data.frame(
    predicted_probability = runif(100),
    made_purchase = sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), replace = TRUE, size = 100),
    false_positive_value = -5,    # acting on any predicted positive costs $5
    true_positive_value = 95,     # revenue on a true positive is $100 minus action cost
    true_negative_value = 0.001,  # true negatives have no value in our application
    # but just give ourselves a small reward for being right
    false_negative_value = -0.01  # adding a small notional tax for false negatives,
    # don't want our competitor getting these accounts.

values <- model_utility(d, 'predicted_probability', 'made_purchase')

# d[, dvars]

mycheck = get_all_counts(d, values)
vals = values[, evars]

thr = vals$threshold
vals$threshold = ifelse(, 1.01, thr)
colnames(mycheck) = colnames(vals)
wrapr::check_equiv_frames(mycheck, vals, tolerance = 1.e-3)

mycheck$calc = "my check"
vals$calc = "model_utility"

allf = rbind(mycheck, vals)


allf_long = pivot_to_blocks(allf,
                            nameForNewKeyColumn = "count_type",
                            nameForNewValueColumn = "count",
                            columnsToTakeFrom = evars[-1] # no threshold

ggplot() + 
  geom_vline(data=d, aes(xintercept=predicted_probability), color="darkgray") + 
  geom_vline(data=values, aes(xintercept=threshold), linetype=2, color="darkblue") +
  ggtitle("test 3")

ggplot(allf_long, aes(x=threshold, y=count, color=calc)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_line() + 
  facet_wrap(~count_type, ncol=1, scale="free_y") + 

WinVector/sigr documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 3:57 a.m.