
ROC optimization

Nina Zumel recently showed how to pick an optimal utility threshold to convert a model score into a classification rule in “Squeezing the Most Utility from Your Models”.

Let’s see how one might implement a similar decision in terms of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot.

As a note: I consider the utility based methods better for working with classifiers than the ROC based methods I show here. The difference is with utility based methods you spend more time working in your business or application oriented space. But let’s see how to perform the related calculation using the ROC plot and demonstrate the auxiliary structures required to complete the task.

First let’s attach some packages we are going to use.

## Loading required package: wrapr

Now let’s get the example data d and utility specifications from Nina Zumel’s “Squeezing the Most Utility from Your Models”.

The complete code for this note (including the example classifier simulation d) can be found here.

# observed prevalence
observed_prevalence <- mean(d$converted)

#  utilities
true_positive_value <- 100 - 5   # net revenue - cost
false_positive_value <- -5       # the cost of a call
true_negative_value <-  0.01     # a small reward for getting them right
false_negative_value <- -0.01    # a small penalty for having missed them

And let’s see this simulated classifier performance in the form of an ROC plot.

plt <- ROCPlot(
  xvar = 'predicted_probability',
  truthVar = 'converted',
  truthTarget = TRUE,
  title = "ROC plot for our example (ideal curve shown)")

ideal_roc <- sigr::sensitivity_and_specificity_s12p12n(
    seq(0, 1, 0.0001),
    shape1_pos = a_pos,
    shape2_pos = b_pos,
    shape1_neg = a_neg,
    shape2_neg = b_neg)

plt + 
    data = ideal_roc,
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = 1 - Specificity, y = Sensitivity),
    color = "#fd8d3c",
    alpha = 0.8,
    linetype = 2)

The standard advice is: given an ROC plot, a population prevalence and the utilities of true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives we can determine the optimal classifier threshold by find a point on the ideal ROC curve that has a given slope.

I say “ideal ROC curve” as we want a curve that is both convex (called “proper” in James P. Egan, Signal Detection Theory and ROC Analysis, Academic Press, 1975) and continuous. In this form each slope from vertical to horizontal appears once and only once. Any empirical graph is going to be stepwise linear, and if there are no tie-scores literally made up only of vertical and horizontal steps (and thus not convex, and not continuous!). So we have the burden of needing to move to an ideal curve either through parametric means, as we did here, or through a smoothing filter. In 1975 likely an engineer used a ruled paper or laid an angle-controlled grid or ruler against the ROC plot to find the optimal point.

We are also going to have to translate the point on the ROC curve with the desired slope to a threshold that gives us a classification rule of the form: all items with a model score at least the threshold are classified as positive.

Let’s look at a graph relating classifier threshold to slope on the ideal ROC curve.

ideal_roc$FalsePositiveRate <- 1 - ideal_roc$Specificity
ideal_roc$slope <- c((ideal_roc$Sensitivity[-nrow(ideal_roc)] - ideal_roc$Sensitivity[-1])/
  (ideal_roc$FalsePositiveRate[-nrow(ideal_roc)] - ideal_roc$FalsePositiveRate[-1]), NA)
ideal_roc <- ideal_roc[complete.cases(ideal_roc), ]

  mapping = aes(x = Score, y = slope),
  data = ideal_roc) + 
  geom_line() + 
  scale_y_log10() + 
  ggtitle("ideal ROC slope as a function of model score threshold")

Finding the optimal threshold for a given combination of ROC plot, prevalence, and specified utilities is a matter of seeing what desired slope optimizes utility and then finding the point on the unique point on ideal ROC plot that has that slope.

This is standard method in ROC optimization and we have a derivation of the formula for the slope here. For our problem the target slope is given as follows.

target_slope <- (true_negative_value - false_positive_value) * (1 - observed_prevalence) / 
  (observed_prevalence * (true_positive_value - false_negative_value))
## [1] 4.921919

This is equation 1.18 of Section 1.4.1 “Decision Goal: Maximum Expected Value” of James P. Egan, Signal Detection Theory and ROC Analysis, Academic Press, 1975.

Now we find what model score threshold achieves this slope on the ROC curve.

idx <- which.min(abs(ideal_roc$slope - target_slope))
opt <- ideal_roc[idx, ]
##                          220
## Score             0.02190000
## Specificity       0.96188007
## Sensitivity       0.34090448
## FalsePositiveRate 0.03811993
## slope             4.94813364

We can add the chosen model score threshold and slope to our slope as a function of score graph.

  mapping = aes(x = Score, y = slope),
  data = ideal_roc) + 
  geom_line() + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = opt$Score, color = "red", linetype = 2) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = opt$slope, color = "red", linetype = 2) + 
  scale_y_log10() + 
  ggtitle("ideal ROC slope as a function of model score threshold",
          subtitle = "optimal pick annotated")

And we can show the selection on the original ROC plot.

  xvar = 'predicted_probability',
  truthVar = 'converted',
  truthTarget = TRUE,
  title = "ROC plot for our example (estimated optimal ideal point and slope shown)") + 
    data = ideal_roc,
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = 1 - Specificity, y = Sensitivity),
    color = "#fd8d3c",
    alpha = 0.8,
    linetype = 2) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = opt$FalsePositiveRate, color = "red", linetype = 2) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = opt$Sensitivity, color = "red", linetype = 2) +
  geom_abline(slope = opt$slope, 
              intercept = opt$Sensitivity - opt$FalsePositiveRate * opt$slope,
              color = "#fd8d3c")

Notice the slope determination for this sort of un-balanced data set is deep into the left are of the graph where the ROC curve is very vertical. This greatly hampers the legibility of the graph, and the reliability of picking off the ideal point graphically. For modern data science unbalanced problems are very common: advertisement click-through rates, account cancellation, fraud detection, and many others fall into this category.

The great advantage of the ROC system were:

In 2020 not having to re-graph is not much of an advantage, regenerating the graph is not hard and can even be part of an interactive tool. A utility oriented graph (in the style of this or this) is more more legible and shows the user more of the operating details and consequences.

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