Man pages for WinVector/vtreat
A Statistically Sound 'data.frame' Processor/Conditioner

apply_transformTransform second argument by first.
as_rquery_planConvert vtreatment plans into a sequence of rquery...
BinomialOutcomeTreatmentStateful object for designing and applying binomial outcome...
buildEvalSetsBuild set carve-up for out-of sample evaluation.
center_scaleCenter and scale a set of variables.
classification_parametersvtreat classification parameters.
design_missingness_treatmentDesign a simple treatment plan to indicate missingingness and...
designTreatmentsCBuild all treatments for a data frame to predict a...
designTreatmentsNbuild all treatments for a data frame to predict a numeric...
designTreatmentsZDesign variable treatments with no outcome variable.
dot-wmeanCompute weighted mean
fitFit first arguemnt to data in second argument.
fit_prepareFit and prepare in a cross-validated manner.
fit_transformFit and transform in a cross-validated manner.
flatten_fn_listFlatten a list of functions onto d.
format.vtreatmentDisplay treatment plan.
get_feature_namesReturn feasible feature names.
get_score_frameReturn score frame from vps.
getSplitPlanAppLabelsread application labels off a split plan.
get_transformReturn underlying transform from vps.
kWayCrossValidationk-fold cross validation, a splitFunction in the sense of...
kWayStratifiedYk-fold cross validation stratified on y, a splitFunction in...
kWayStratifiedYReplacek-fold cross validation stratified with replacement on y, a...
makeCustomCoderCatMake a categorical input custom coder.
makeCustomCoderNumMake a numeric input custom coder.
makekWayCrossValidationGroupedByColumnBuild a k-fold cross validation splitter, respecting (never...
mkCrossFrameCExperimentRun categorical cross-frame experiment.
mkCrossFrameMExperimentFunction to build multi-outcome vtreat cross frame and...
mkCrossFrameNExperimentRun a numeric cross frame experiment.
MultinomialOutcomeTreatmentStateful object for designing and applying multinomial...
multinomial_parametersvtreat multinomial parameters.
novel_value_summaryReport new/novel appearances of character values.
NumericOutcomeTreatmentStateful object for designing and applying numeric outcome...
oneWayHoldoutOne way holdout, a splitFunction in the sense of...
patch_columns_into_framePatch columns into data.frame.
pre_comp_xvalPre-computed cross-plan (so same split happens each time).
prepareApply treatments and restrict to useful variables.
prepare.multinomial_planFunction to apply mkCrossFrameMExperiment treatemnts.
prepare.simple_planPrepare a simple treatment.
prepare.treatmentplanApply treatments and restrict to useful variables.
print.multinomial_planPrint treatmentplan.
print.simple_planPrint treatmentplan.
print.treatmentplanPrint treatmentplan.
print.vtreatmentPrint treatmentplan.
problemAppPlancheck if appPlan is a good carve-up of 1:nRows into nSplits...
regression_parametersvtreat regression parameters.
rqdatatable_prepareApply a treatment plan using rqdatatable.
rquery_prepareMaterialize a treated data frame remotely.
solve_piecewiseSolve as piecewise linear problem, numeric target.
solve_piecewisecSolve as piecewise logit problem, categorical target.
spline_variableSpline variable numeric target.
spline_variablecSpline variable categorical target.
square_windowBuild a square windows variable, numeric target.
square_windowcBuild a square windows variable, categorical target.
track_valuesTrack unique character values for variables.
unsupervised_parametersvtreat unsupervised parameters.
UnsupervisedTreatmentStateful object for designing and applying unsupervised...
value_variables_CValue variables for prediction a categorical outcome.
value_variables_NValue variables for prediction a numeric outcome.
variable_valuesReturn variable evaluations.
vnamesNew treated variable names from a treatmentplan$treatment...
vorigOriginal variable name from a treatmentplan$treatment item.
vtreat-packagevtreat: A Statistically Sound 'data.frame'...
WinVector/vtreat documentation built on June 17, 2024, 3:29 a.m.