
# nolint start
# #' @importFrom stats frequency loess median predict quantile weighted.mean time
# #' @importFrom utils head stack tail
# drinner <- function(Inner_input, Inner_output, n, n.p, vari, time, seaname,
#   s.window, s.degree, t.window, t.degree, l.window, l.degree, periodic,
#   s.jump, t.jump, l.jump, critfreq, s.blend, t.blend, l.blend, crtI, crtO,
#   sub.labels, sub.start, infill, Clcontrol) {
#   # start and end indices for after adding in extra n.p before and after
#   st <- n.p + 1
#   nd <- n + n.p
#   # package the parameters into list
#   paras <- list(
#     vari = vari, time = time, seaname = seaname,
#     n.p = n.p, n = n, st = st, nd = nd, periodic = periodic,
#     s.window = s.window, s.degree = s.degree, s.jump = s.jump, s.blend = s.blend,
#     l.window = l.window, l.degree = l.degree, l.jump = l.jump, l.blend = l.blend,
#     t.window = t.window, t.degree = t.degree, t.jump = t.jump, t.blend = t.blend,
#     crtI = crtI, crtO = crtO, Clcontrol=Clcontrol, infill = infill
#   )
#   # inner loop
#   jobIn <- list()
#   jobIn$map <- expression({
#     lapply(seq_along(map.keys), function(r) {
#       value <- plyr::arrange(map.values[[r]], get(time))
#       if(infill & crtI == 1 & crtO == 1) {
#         Index <- which(is.na(value[, vari]))
#         value[Index, vari] <- value$fitted[Index]
#         value$flag <- 1
#         value$flag[Index] <- 0
#         value <- subset(value, select=-c(fitted))
#       }
#       notEnoughData <- sum(!is.na(value[, vari])) < s.window
#       if (notEnoughData) {
#         stop("at least one of subseries does not have enough observations")
#       }else {
#         index <- match(map.keys[[r]][2], month.abb)
#         value[, seaname] <- map.keys[[r]][2]
#         if (crtI == 1 & crtO == 1) {
#           value$trend <- 0
#           value$weight <- 1
#         }
#         cycleSub.length <- nrow(value)
#         cycleSub <- value[, vari]
#         # detrending
#         cycleSub <- cycleSub - value$trend
#         cs1 <- as.numeric(head(value[, time], 1)) - 12
#         cs2 <- as.numeric(tail(value[, time], 1)) + 12
#         if (periodic) {
#           C <- rep(weighted.mean(cycleSub, w = value$weight, na.rm = TRUE), cycleSub.length + 2)
#         } else {
#           cs.ev <- seq(1, cycleSub.length, by = s.jump)
#           if(tail(cs.ev, 1) != cycleSub.length) cs.ev <- c(cs.ev, cycleSub.length)
#           cs.ev <- c(0, cs.ev, cycleSub.length + 1)
#           C <- .loess_stlplus(
#             y = cycleSub, span = s.window, degree = s.degree,
#             m = cs.ev, weights = value$weight, blend = s.blend,
#             jump = s.jump, at = c(0:(cycleSub.length + 1))
#           )
#         }
#         Cdf <- data.frame(C = C, t = as.numeric(c(cs1, value[, time], cs2)))
#         rhcollect(map.keys[[r]][1], list(value, Cdf))
#       }
#     })
#   })
#   jobIn$reduce <- expression(
#     pre = {
#       combined <- data.frame()
#       Ctotal <- data.frame()
#       ma3 <- 0
#       L <- numeric()
#       D <- numeric()
#       y_idx <- logical()
#       noNa <- logical()
#       t.ev <- seq(1, n, by = t.jump)
#       l.ev <- seq(1, n, by = l.jump)
#       if(tail(l.ev, 1) != n) l.ev <- c(l.ev, n)
#       if(tail(t.ev, 1) != n) t.ev <- c(t.ev, n)
#     },
#     reduce = {
#       combined <- rbind(combined, do.call("rbind", lapply(reduce.values, "[[", 1)))
#       Ctotal <- rbind(Ctotal, do.call("rbind", lapply(reduce.values, "[[", 2)))
#     },
#     post = {
#       combined <- plyr::arrange(combined, get(time))
#       Ctotal <- plyr::arrange(Ctotal, t)
#       y_idx <- !is.na(combined[, vari])
#       noNA <- all(y_idx)
#       ma3 <- c_ma(Ctotal$C, n.p)
#       L <- .loess_stlplus(
#         y = ma3, span = l.window, degree = l.degree, m = l.ev, weights = combined$weight,
#         y_idx = y_idx, noNA = noNA, blend = l.blend, jump = l.jump, at = c(1:n)
#       )
#       combined$seasonal <- Ctotal$C[st:nd] - L
#       # Deseasonalize
#       D <- combined[, vari] - combined$seasonal
#       combined$trend <- .loess_stlplus(
#         y = D, span = t.window, degree = t.degree, m = t.ev, weights = combined$weight,
#         y_idx = y_idx, noNA = noNA, blend = t.blend, jump = t.jump, at = c(1:n)
#       )
#       rhcollect(reduce.key, combined)
#     }
#   )
#   jobIn$setup <- expression(
#     map = {
#       library(plyr, lib.loc=Clcontrol$libLoc)
#       library(yaImpute, lib.loc=Clcontrol$libLoc)
#       library(drsstl, lib.loc=Clcontrol$libLoc)
#     },
#     reduce = {
#       library(plyr, lib.loc=Clcontrol$libLoc)
#       library(yaImpute, lib.loc=Clcontrol$libLoc)
#       library(drsstl, lib.loc=Clcontrol$libLoc)
#     }
#   )
#   jobIn$parameters <- paras
#   jobIn$input <- rhfmt(Inner_input, type = "sequence")
#   jobIn$output <- rhfmt(Inner_output, type = "sequence")
#   jobIn$mapred <- list(
#     mapred.reduce.tasks = Clcontrol$reduceTask,  #cdh3,4
#     mapreduce.job.reduces = Clcontrol$reduceTask,  #cdh5
#     mapred.tasktimeout = 0,
#     rhipe_reduce_buff_size = 10000,
#     io.sort.mb = Clcontrol$io.sort,
#     io.sort.spill.percent = Clcontrol$spill.percent
#   )
#   jobIn$readback <- FALSE
#   jobIn$jobname <- Inner_output
#   job.mr <- do.call("rhwatch", jobIn)
# }
# nolint end
XiaosuTong/drsstl documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:06 p.m.