Man pages for XiulinXie/SPCmonitor2
Process Control Chart for Monitoring Short-Range Serially Correlated Data

decorDecorrelate data observations
decor_multiDecorrelate Multivariate data observations
multi_online_monitorOnline Monitoring of Serially Correlated Multivariate Data
MVcovCorrelation, Variance and Covariance of a Multivariate Data...
MVcovmatrixThe Complete Covariance Matrix of a Multivariate Data Set
Nhalf_powerThe Negative Half Power of a Matrix
online_monitorOnline Monitoring of Serially Correlated Data
update_covUpdate the Covariance of a dataset
update_meanUpdate the Covariance of a dataset
VcovCorrelation, Variance and Covariance of a Data Set
VcovmatrixCovariance Matrix of a Data Set
XiulinXie/SPCmonitor2 documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 12:10 a.m.