Man pages for XuegongLab/HGC
A fast hierarchical graph-based clustering method

CKNNConstructionBuilding Unweighted Continuous K Nearest Neighbor Graph
KNNConstructionBuilding Unweighted K Nearest Neighbor Graph
MSTConstructionBuilding Unweighted Minimum Spanning Tree Graph
PMSTConstructionBuilding Unweighted Perturbed Minimum Spanning Tree Graph
PollenEmbeddings of the Pollen datasets in the principal component...
RAPI_FindClusteringTreeThe HGC algorithm embedded in Seurat pipeline
RHGCHierarchical Graph-based Clustering
RHGCPlotARIsCalculating and Visualizing ARIs of the clustering results...
RHGCPlotDendrogramVisualizing the dendrogram
RHGCPlotParameterVisualizing the Parameter Records during Clustering
RNNConstructionBuilding Unweighted epsilon Nearest Neighbor Graph
RTimeRecording the Parameters of the Graph-based Hierarchical...
SNNConstructionBuilding Unweighted Shared Nearest Neighbor Graph
XuegongLab/HGC documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 7:23 p.m.