Test environments

R CMD check results


This is all compiled code in the libs/ directory.

Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories: dtplyr checking Rd cross-references ... WARNING

I'll submit this once dplyr has been accepted (unless you'd prefer a parallel submission)

This is used for compatiblity with both current and next version of RSQLite.

Downstream dependencies

I ran R CMD check on all 297 reverse dependencies ( There are unfortunately a number of new failures described below. There were two sets of failures caused by deliberate changes to the API:

bigrquery fails - I have a 0.5 compatible version ready for submission once dplyr is through (unfortunately it was too difficult to make a package that worked with both dplyr 0.4 and 0.5.)

There were also a bunch of errors that don't seem related to dplyr (as far as I can tell)

Finally, there were a few failures because of install problems:

Authors were notified on June 9, June 14, and again today.

YTLogos/dplyr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:44 p.m.