
#' Print any JavaScript console.log messages in the R console
#' When developing and debugging a Shiny that uses custom JavaScript code,
#' it can be helpful to use \code{console.log()} messages in JavaScript. This
#' function allows you to see these messages printed in the R console directly
#' rather than having to open the JavaScript console in the browser to view the
#' messages.\cr\cr
#' This function must be called in a Shiny app's server function, and you also
#' need to pass the \code{showLog=TRUE} parameter to \code{useShinyjs()}.
#' @note Due to an issue in shiny (see
#' https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/928), duplicated consecutive log
#' messages will not get printed in R.
#' @note Log messages that cannot be serialized in JavaScript (such as many
#' JavaScript Event objects that are cyclic) will not be printed in R.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       useShinyjs(),
#'       textInput("text", "Type something")
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       showLog()
#'       logjs("App started")
#'       observe({
#'         logjs(paste("Length of text:", nchar(input$text)))
#'       })
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[shinyjs]{logjs}}
#' @export
showLog <- function() {
  session <- getSession()

  if (!is.null(attr(session, "shinyjs_showLog"))) {
  attr(session, "shinyjs_showLog") <- TRUE

  # Capture the console.log function and overwrite it to send the message to R
  shiny::insertUI("head", "beforeEnd", {
        var oldLog = console.log;
        var queue = new ShinySenderQueue();
        console.log = function (message) {
          try {
            queue.send("shinyjs-showLog", message);
          } catch(err) {}
          oldLog.apply(console, arguments);
  }, immediate = TRUE)

  shiny::observeEvent(session$input[['shinyjs-showLog']], {
    message("JAVASCRIPT LOG: ",
                             auto_unbox = TRUE)
YTLogos/shinyjs documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:41 a.m.