This package is designed to work with (NOAA Significant Earthquake Database). Note, that database is not included in the package. To get it, follow the link above and download it (tab delimited format)

After dowloading data store it as data.frame object in the way you prefer (for example, using read_delim function). Note, that classes of some variables of dataset are not that could be expected: Longitude, Latitude, Deaths, etc. are provided as character, not as numerics. Use eq_clean_data() function, applyed to raw data.frame to return "cleaned" one: with numerics, as well as additional columns:

For example location<-eq_clen_data(raw_data). To make Location more readable, eq_location_clean function could be used (makes column in Title case): cleaned_location<-eq_location_clean(location=database$COUNTRY)

Static plots

Use geom_timeline to get plot of hurricanes occured, as well as theme_timeline to set new suggested theme to your plot. For example, data from 2000 to 2010 could be viewed using the code:

cleaned_base%>%filter(YEAR>=2000 & YEAR<=2010 & !>%ggplot()+ geom_timeline(aes(fill=DEATHS, colour=DEATHS, x=YEAR, size=EQ_MAG_ML))+theme_timeline

In this case new geom_* with theme_timeline will result in:

geom_timeline output

It is also possible to arrange hurricane dots on y axis, for example, by country:

cleaned_base%>%filter(YEAR>=2000 & YEAR<=2003 & !>%ggplot()+ geom_timeline(aes(fill=DEATHS, colour=DEATHS, x=YEAR, y=COUNTRY, size=EQ_MAG_ML))+theme_timeline

which looks as follows:

geom_timeline output

The other option to mark countries is to put tick captions, using geom_timeline_label:

cleaned_base%>%filter(YEAR>=2000 & YEAR<=2004 & !>%ggplot()+ geom_timeline_label(aes(fill=DEATHS, colour=DEATHS, x=YEAR, y=COUNTRY, caption=COUNTRY, size=EQ_MAG_ML, n_max=2))+ theme_timeline

here n_max stays on how much top n (by size) hurricane dots should have captions (New Zeeland and Chile in our case):

geom_timeline_label output

Finally, to make interactive plot using HtmlWidget, you can use eq_map function. It allows to point the hurricane dots on the map, making popup-text. Because this is specific package, designed for the final assigment and fitted to the particular dataset, function eq_create_label takes base as data.frame object, as well as column names for longitude, latiitude and death numbers to character vector of popup-text for the map. If you need to pull text, containig other information, it could be stored as additional column to data.frame and used in the same way:

cleaned_base_copy<-cleaned_base%>%filter(YEAR>=2000 & YEAR<=2010 & !>% mutate(popup_text = eq_create_label(.,location="COUNTRY", magnitude="EQ_MAG_ML", death="DEATHS"))

filter the data and adds column popup_text containig described information

eq_map(cleaned_base_copy, longitude="LONGITUDE", latitude="LATITUDE", annot_col = "popup_text")

Screenshot of interactive plot

Yailama/Capstone-project documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:23 p.m.