Man pages for YaohuiZeng/grpregOverlap
Penalized Regression Models with Overlapping Grouped Covariates

cv.grpregOverlapCross-validation for choosing regularization parameter lambda
cv.grpsurvOverlapCross-validation for choosing regularization parameter lambda...
expandXExpand design matrix according to grouping information
grpregOverlapFit penalized regression models with overlapping grouped...
grpregOverlap-internalInternal functions
grpregOverlap-packagePenalized regression models with overlapping grouped...
incidenceMatrixCompute the incidence matrix indicating group memebership
overlapMatrixCompute a matrix indicating overlaps between groups
pathway.datGene expression and pathway information of p53 cancer cell... the cross-validation curve from cross-validated object
plot.grpregOverlapPlot object "grpregOverlap"
predict.grpregOverlapModel predictions based on a fitted object
predict.grpsurvOverlapModel predictions based on a fitted 'grpsurvOverlap' object.
select.grpregOverlapSelect an value of lambda along a regularization path inferences based on cross-validation
YaohuiZeng/grpregOverlap documentation built on Aug. 10, 2020, 3:13 p.m.