bdChemo: Estimating dose-specific cell division and apoptosis rates from chemo-sensitivity experiments

This package implements the method for estimating dose-specific cell birth and death rates from chemo-sensitivity experiments as described in Liu and Crawford (2017).

To install the package, run:

  install_github("YiyiLiu1/bdChemo", build_vignettes = TRUE)
  ## There is a delay when setting build_vignettes = TRUE for running the example code
  ## This can be modified as install_github("YiyiLiu1/bdChemo") if vignette is not needed

To get started, run:

  vignette("example", package="bdChemo")
  ## Note, in this example, we use a small number of iterations (N = 1e5) for a quick demonstration of the functionality of the package; in real data analysis, please set it to a larger number (~e6 to e7).

If you use this package, please cite the article below.

Yiyi Liu and Forrest Crawford (2017). "Estimating dose-specific cell division and apoptosis rates from chemo-sensitivity experiments", submitted.

YiyiLiu1/bdChemo documentation built on May 8, 2023, 11:27 p.m.