
# This is an example of how to use RGPr

# First, you'll need to supply a file of gym database info in csv format
# like this:
# TAG      ,  ADDRESS               , USER  , PASSWORD           , DBNAME ,      X     ,   Y
# VAO    ,  ,  bob ,  bobs-password ,  va513 ,  -82.994614, 40.098792
# VTC    , ,        bob ,  bobs-password ,  vatc ,   -82.994928, 40.094341


#------ Start by importing data on the gyms
all_dbs <- RGPr_Import_Gyms('~/R/RGP Analysis/dbinfo.csv')

#------ Now, get customer data:
customers                   <- RGPr_get_customers(dplyr::filter(all_dbs,all_dbs$TAG=="VTC"))
customers_all               <- RGPr_get_customers(dplyr::filter(all_dbs,all_dbs$TAG=="VTC"),return_all = T)
customers_all_locations     <- RGPr_get_customers(all_dbs)
customers_all_locations_all <- RGPr_get_customers(all_dbs, return_all = T)

#------ For my next trick, get check-in data
checkins                    <- RGPr_get_checkins(dplyr::filter(all_dbs,all_dbs$TAG=="VTC"))
checkins_1                  <- RGPr_get_checkins(dplyr::filter(all_dbs,all_dbs$TAG=="VTC"),return_all = T)
checkins_2                  <- RGPr_get_checkins(dplyr::filter(all_dbs,all_dbs$TAG=="VTC"),return_all = T,
                                                 start_date = "2018-01-10", end_date = "2018-12-31")
checkins_3                  <- RGPr_get_checkins(all_dbs,return_all = T,
                                                 start_date = "2018-01-10", end_date = "2018-12-31")

#------ For my next trick, get retail spend
invoices                    <- RGPr_get_checkins(dplyr::filter(all_dbs,all_dbs$TAG=="VTC"))
YourEconProf/RockGymProR documentation built on March 1, 2020, 2:27 a.m.