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## Description
The package offers an interactive interface to 
the download service of Geofabrik GmbH. If osmconvert is 
set as system variable, the function ```convertOSM``` can also be
used. The same goes for osmosis, which enables the function 

Some basic information about the data size per country
and continent can be plotted as treemap with ```treemapOSM``` or
as mapview plot with ```mapviewOSM``` 

## Usage 
### Download OSM Data
dest <- getOSM()
dest <- getOSM(exclude = "md5", r1 = 2, r2=13)
dest <- getOSM(filterby="shp", r1 = 2, r2=13)
dest <- getOSM(filterby="osm", exclude = "md5", r1 = 2, r2 =13, dest="")

Convert OSM File

```sh dest <- getOSM(filterby="osm", exclude = "md5", r1 = 2, r2 =13, dest="") convertOSM(dest, cm=T, cb = F, cw = F, fname = "capverde4", ext = "pbf")

### Get a summary of the OSM - Data size
sumry <- summaryOSM()

Plot the summary with treemapOSM

```sh treemapOSM(sumry)

### Plot the summary with mapviewOSM
mapviewOSM(sumry, mergeby = "country", unit = "gb")

Create an OSM-file filtered for pedestrian routing

The functions graphcycleOSM and graphcarOSM are used for bicycle and car routing. ```sh

Download Comores Data

dest <- getOSM(filterby="osm", exclude = "md5", r1 = 2, r2 =13)

Filters only highway elements for pedestrian routing and converts to osm


### Import to DB with osmosis
 ## The Database must already exist beforahand. 
dblist <- list(dbname="test", dbuser="postgres", dbhost="localhost",
               dbport="5432", dbpwd="postgres")
cmd <- postgresOSM(dest, dblist)

Inspect Database

sh ways <- sfOSM(dblist) r <- filterSF(ways, tf=c("footway", "path"), plot=T);

YsoSirius/getOSM documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:59 p.m.