Man pages for ZachHunter/NicePlots.R
Nice Plots for Data Exploration

addNicePointsAdd a datapoint overlay to a box or violin plot
basicThemeNicePlots Theme: Basic
boot95ciCalculate a basic bootstrap 95% confidence interval
calcStatscalculate preliminary statistical significance analysis
ciConfidence interval helper function
dataFlightCheckCheck data formating for the NicePlots package
drawBoxPlotdraw a custom box and whisker plot
drawPointsdraw dots for a dot plot
drawViolinPlotdraw a violin plot
errorBarsdraw custom error bars
facetSpacingGenerate plotting locations for subgrouping data
formatPlotColorsformat a NicePlots color list
makeColorMatrixCreate a matrix of increasingly transparent colors
makeLogTicksformat a log scale axis
makeNiceLegendDraw a nice plot legend
newNPThemeCreat a NicePlots Theme
niceBardraw a bar plot
niceBoxdraw a box plot
niceDensitydraw a kernal density plot
niceDotsdraw a dot plot
niceScatterdraw a scatter plot
niceViodraw a violin plot
npColorThemeNicePlots Theme: Colors
npGGThemeNicePlots Theme: ggPlot Like
npStataThemeNicePlots Theme: Stata Like
npThemesFind Themes
prepBarDataPrepare and print basic statistics for niceBar
prepCategoryWindowprepare a plotting environment for categorical data such as...
prepLegendMariginsSet Legend Margins
prepNiceDataPrepare and print basic statistics for niceBox and niceVio
prepNiceWindowprepare a plotting environment for non-categorical data such...
procNiceOptionsProcess plotting options
quantileTrimFilter data by interquartile range
seCalculate the standard error of the mean
setAlphaadd alpha transparency to a named color
t95ciCalculate a 95% confidence interval from the t-distribution
ZachHunter/NicePlots.R documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 4:04 a.m.