niceDensity: draw a kernal density plot

View source: R/np_niceDensity.R

niceDensityR Documentation

draw a kernal density plot


Draws a kernal density plot of one or two variables.


  by = NULL,
  drawPoints = TRUE,
  groupLabels = NULL,
  subgroup = FALSE,
  bandwidth = NULL,
  drawRug = FALSE,
  useRgl = FALSE,
  plotType = c("contour", "surface"),
  theme = basicTheme,
  main = NULL,
  sub = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  minorTick = FALSE,
  guides = NULL,
  plotColors = NULL,
  logScale = FALSE,
  axisText = c(NULL, NULL),
  rotateLabels = FALSE,
  add = FALSE,
  minorGuides = NULL,
  extendTicks = TRUE,
  expLabels = FALSE,
  lWidth = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  logAdjustment = 1,
  xLim = NULL,
  yLim = NULL,
  strictLimits = FALSE,
  legend = FALSE,
  trimCurves = TRUE,
  sidePlot = FALSE,



numeric vector or data frame; The input to prepCategoryWindow can be a numeric vector a data frame of numeric vectors.


factor or data frame of factors; used as the primary grouping factor and the factor levels will be used as group names if groupLabels is not specified. If by is a data frame and subgroup=TRUE, the second column is assumed to be a secondary grouping factor, breaking out the data into sub-categories within each major group determined by the levels of the first column.


logical; draws a dot plot overlay for contour plots


character vector; overrides the factor levels of by to label the groups


logical; Will use the factor levels in by to plot a series of distributions from the data in x.


numeric; Manually sets the bandwith for the kernal density estimation overiding default calculations. For 2D plots bandwidth should be a vector of length 2. Set to NULL or NA to enable default calculations.


logical; adds a rug plot overlay to a kernel density plot. Default is FALSE.


logical; Should the library rgl be used to make 3D surface plots.


character; Can be set to contour or surface to control the type of 2D plot.


list object; Themes are are an optional way of storing graphical preset options that are compatible with all nicePlot graphing functions.


character; title for the graph which is supplied to the main argument.


character; subtitle for the graph which is supplied to the sub argument.


character; y-axis label.


character; x-axis label.


positive integer; number of minor tick-marks to draw between each pair of major ticks-marks.


logical; will draw guidelines at the major tick-marks if set to TRUE. Color of the guidelines is determined by plotColors$guides.


list; a named list of vectors of colors that set the color options for all NicePlot functions. Names left unspecified will be added and set to default values automatically.


numeric; A length two numeric vector indicating the log scale the x and y axis, respectively. If only one value is given, it is applied to boxth axis. Set to FALSE to disable (Default).


list; A named list, "x" and "y" with two optional character values to be placed before and/or after the numeric axis label, respectively.


logical; sets las=2 for the x-axis category labels. Will affect y-axis if side=TRUE. Note that this may not work well if long names or with subgrouped data.


logical; Adds the plot to the existing window rather the generating a new plotting enviroment


logical; draws guidelines at minor tick-marks


logical; extends minor tick-marks past the first and last major tick to the edge of the graph provided there is enough room. Works for both log-scale and regular settings.


logical; prints the major tick labels is logScale^{x} instead of the raw value


numeric; Line width, equivelent to the cex lwd option.


logical; Should NAs be removed from the data set? Both data input and the factor input from by with be checked.


logical; Prints summary and p-value calculations to the screen. All data is silently by the function returned either way.


numeric; This number is added to the input data prior to log transformation. Default value is 1.


numeric vector; lower a upper limits for the x-axis.


numeric vector; manually set the limits of the plotting area (eg. yLim=c(min,max)). Used to format the y-axis.


logical; eliminates padding on the value axis so 0 can be flush with the x-axis. Defaults to FALSE.


logical/character; Draw a legend in the plot margins. If a character string is given it will overide the factor name default for the legend title.


logical; Should the density curves be restricted to the min and max of the data.


logical; Swaps the x and y axis for ploting. Does not apply to 2D and 3D plots.


additional options for S3 method variants


niceDensity is draws gernal density plots. This can be a single kernal density plot or a series of density plots overplotted on the graph based on a grouping factor from by. The subgroup option should be set to TRUE to anable this functionality. If two or more variables are passed in x in a data.frame, matrix or tibble, then the first two columns will be used to generate a scatter plot with a 2-D scatter plot with a contour plot overlay giving the 2D kernal density estimates. Setting subgroup to TRUE is this case will color the points by the first factor in by. Alternatively, for two column input, plotType can be set to "suface" to draw a 3D prepresnetation of the kernal density over the x-y plane using persp. Plotting options such as theta/phi to control rotation for persp or nlevels for contour, can be entered as arguments to niceDensity and will be passed along via Finally, if the rgl package is installed and useRgl is set to TRUE, the interactive persp3d function will be used instead. All kernal densities are calculated using the KernSmooth package. The values in npData object returned by the function are slightly different. The "summary" value gives the min and max for x and optionally y along with the density estimate fhat. The "stats" value contains a data.frame the actual x, y, and fhat paired values. The theme value curvePoints is used to determine the number of line segments per curve and can be overriden in the command line like all other theme options.

See Also

density, contour, persp, persp3d, bkde


#Basic kernal density plot
niceDensity(iris[,1], main="Distrinbution of Sepal Length")

#Kernal density plot subgrouped by species
niceDensity(iris[,1],iris$Species, main="Sepal Length by Species",

#Same thing with trimCurves=FALSE
niceDensity(iris[,1],iris$Species, main="Sepal Length by Species",
subgroup=TRUE, trimCurves=FALSE)

#2D Density of Sepal Width vs. Length
niceDensity(iris[,1:2],iris$Species, main="Sepal Width vs. Length",

#Representing the 2D contour plot in 3D
niceDensity(iris[,1:2],iris$Species, main="Sepal Width vs. Length",
plotType="surface", theta=-60)

ZachHunter/NicePlots.R documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 4:04 a.m.