ggcurve: Plots Consonance, Surprisal, and Likelihood Functions

View source: R/ggcurve.R

ggcurveR Documentation

Plots Consonance, Surprisal, and Likelihood Functions


Takes the dataframe produced by the interval functions and plots the p-values/s-values, consonance (confidence) levels, and the interval estimates to produce a p-value/s-value function using ggplot2 graphics.


ggcurve(data, type = "c", measure = "default", levels = 0.95,
  nullvalue = NULL, position = "pyramid", title = "Consonance Function",
  subtitle = "The function displays intervals at every level.",
  xaxis = expression(theta == ~"Range of Values"),
  yaxis1 = expression(paste(italic(p), "-value")),
  yaxis2 = "Levels for CI (%)", color = darken("#009E73", 0.5),
  fill = "#239a98")



The dataframe produced by one of the interval functions in which the intervals are stored.


Choose whether to plot a "consonance" function, a "surprisal" function or "likelihood". The default option is set to "c". The type must be set in quotes, for example ggcurve (type = "s") or ggcurve(type = "c"). Other options include "pd" for the consonance distribution function, and "cd" for the consonance density function, "l1" for relative likelihood, "l2" for log-likelihood, "l3" for likelihood and "d" for deviance function.


Indicates whether the object has a log transformation or is normal/default. The default setting is "default". If the measure is set to "ratio", it will take logarithmically transformed values and convert them back to normal values in the dataframe. This is typically a setting used for binary outcomes and their measures such as risk ratios, hazard ratios, and odds ratios.


Indicates which interval levels should be plotted on the function. By default it is set to 0.95 to plot the 95% interval on the consonance function, but more levels can be plotted by using the c() function for example, levels = c(0.50, 0.75, 0.95).


Indicates whether the null value for the measure should be plotted. By default, it is set to NULL, meaning it will not be plotted as a vertical line. Changing this to a numerical vector will specify the region where a line should be plotted or an area that should be shaded. The input must be a numerical vector, for example c(-0.5, 0.5) or a single numerical vector such as 0 or 1.


Determines the orientation of the P-value (consonance) function. By default, it is set to "pyramid", meaning the p-value function will stand right side up, like a pyramid. However, it can also be inverted via the option "inverted". This will also change the sequence of the y-axes to match the orientation.This can be set as such, ggcurve(type = "c", data = df, position = "inverted").


A custom title for the graph. By default, it is set to "Consonance Function". In order to set a title, it must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, title = "Custom Title").


A custom subtitle for the graph. By default, it is set to "The function contains consonance/confidence intervals at every level and the P-values." In order to set a subtitle, it must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, subtitle = "Custom Subtitle").


A custom x-axis title for the graph. By default, it is set to "Range of Values. In order to set a x-axis title, it must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, xaxis = "Hazard Ratio").


A custom y-axis title for the graph. By default, it is set to "Consonance Level". In order to set a y-axis title, it must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, yxis1= "Confidence Level").


A custom y-axis title for the graph. By default, it is set to "Levels for CI". In order to set a y-axis title, it must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, yxis2= "Confidence Level").


Item that allows the user to choose the color of the points and the ribbons in the graph. By default, it is set to color = "#555555". The inputs must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, color = "#333333").


Item that allows the user to choose the color of the ribbons in the graph. By default, it is set to fill = "#239a98". The inputs must be in quotes. For example, ggcurve(type = "c", data = x, fill = "#333333").


A plot with intervals at every consonance level graphed with their corresponding p-values and compatibility levels.

See Also



## Not run: 
# Simulate random data


GroupA <- rnorm(500)
GroupB <- rnorm(500)

RandomData <- data.frame(GroupA, GroupB)

intervalsdf <- suppressMessages(curve_mean(GroupA, GroupB, data = RandomData, method = "default"))
ggcurve(type = "c", intervalsdf[[1]], nullvalue =c(0))

## End(Not run)

Zadchow/concurve documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 4:55 a.m.