Big Frame o' Data

bfd is a small project that aims to handle big data. Big for memory, not for hard drives. It is mostly a learning exercise but it may turn into something more useful. The fst package will hopefully fill the vacuum of R packages that can chunk over on-disk data, but until then bfd is no big deal.


bfd has a set of reference classes that handle writing and reading vectors of all R's base types. These are created using the make_bfdcol generic function:


df <- bfd(iris, path = "iris.bin", overwrite = TRUE)

## Warning in bfd(iris, path = "iris.bin", overwrite = TRUE): iris.bin already
## exists and overwrite=TRUE. Deleting existing folder.


##   Variable                            Storage          N
## 1 Sepal.Length                         double        150
## 2 Sepal.Width                          double        150
## 3 Petal.Length                         double        150
## 4 Petal.Width                          double        150
## 5 Species                             integer        150
## [Location | iris.bin]

Indexing operation


##  [1] setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa setosa
## Levels: setosa versicolor virginica


##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
## 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa


##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width   Species
## 1          6.7         3.3          5.7         2.5 virginica
## 2          6.7         3.0          5.2         2.3 virginica
## 3          6.3         2.5          5.0         1.9 virginica
## 4          6.5         3.0          5.2         2.0 virginica
## 5          6.2         3.4          5.4         2.3 virginica
## 6          5.9         3.0          5.1         1.8 virginica

df[1:10, c(1,4)]

##    Sepal.Length Petal.Width
## 1           5.1         0.2
## 2           4.9         0.2
## 3           4.7         0.2
## 4           4.6         0.2
## 5           5.0         0.2
## 6           5.4         0.4
## 7           4.6         0.3
## 8           5.0         0.2
## 9           4.4         0.2
## 10          4.9         0.1

Combining bfds

These functions will eventually be called from rbind and cbind equivalents:

df <- append.bfd(df, iris)


##   Variable                            Storage          N
## 1 Sepal.Length                         double        300
## 2 Sepal.Width                          double        300
## 3 Petal.Length                         double        300
## 4 Petal.Width                          double        300
## 5 Species                             integer        300
## [Location | iris.bin]

Zelazny7/bfd documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:23 p.m.