
title: "Using timbr" author: "Eric E. Graves" date: "2015-03-11" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{usage} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}

Using Timbr

timbr is a new R package that makes it easy to extract useful information from R's popular decision tree objects. With timbr we can create thousands of new interaction variables in a short time. With a quick post-processing step, we can run all of these interaction variables, or rules, through LASSO regression to quickly identify potential predictors to add to our models.

Data Preparation

Throughout this tutorial, we will be using the familar titanic dataset that comes installed with mjollnir. Before we begin, we must do a little house- keeping to set up our workspace with the libraries we need and set the seed for our random number generation.

set.seed(123) # set the seed for reproducible results!

# let's sample the data first by taking a random 50% of records
dev <- sample(nrow(titanic), nrow(titanic) / 2)

Baseline Model

We are first going to make a simple logistic regression model and see how timbr can be used to find new interactions worth exploring. The following code fits a model in the same way as SAS's proc glm. The syntax for R is a bit more concise.

# a simple logistic regression model
lm <- glm(Survived ~ Fare + Sex, data=titanic[dev,], family='binomial')
## Call:  glm(formula = Survived ~ Fare + Sex, family = "binomial", data = titanic[dev, 
##     ])
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)         Fare      Sexmale  
##     0.56693      0.01708     -2.53983  
## Degrees of Freedom: 444 Total (i.e. Null);  442 Residual
## Null Deviance:       587.9 
## Residual Deviance: 414.3     AIC: 420.3
# predict the model on the validation data
phat <- predict(lm, titanic[-dev,])

# print the ks value
ks.table(phat, titanic$Survived[-dev], n.bins = 10)$ks
## [1] 0.5010943

We now have a fully working logistic regression model with two terms. Pretending for a moment that this model was built in Xeno, we would call our model finished.

But what about insights we might not think of? timbr provides a fast, cheap method for generating simple interaction rules that are predictive and may provide additional lift when added to a model.

Generating rules using a Random Forest

We are going to build a randomForest and use timbr to create a lumberYard out of it. We will use this lumberYard to create thousands of indivual rules which correspond to the nodes of the decision trees.

A randomForest is an ensemble technique that builds hundreds of decision trees and averages them together in some manner. Unlike gbm which creates its decision trees by adding the best available variable at each split, randomForest randomly samples predictors at every split and then picks the best one. The advantage of this approach is that it introduces variable combinations that would not otherwise be discovered.

Let's attempt to build a quick randomForest with the following code.

rf <- randomForest(x = titanic[dev,-1], y = factor(titanic$Survived[dev]),
                   maxnodes = 8, ntree = 100)
## Error in randomForest.default(x = titanic[dev, -1], y = factor(titanic$Survived[dev]), : NA not permitted in predictors

What happened? This generates an error because randomForest does not allow missing values. We must impute them using a utility function included in timbr

df <- imputeMissing(titanic)
rf <- randomForest(x = df[dev,-1], y = factor(df$Survived[dev]), maxnodes = 8,
                   ntree = 100)

Note that the y variable is surrounded by the factor function. In order to use randomForest for classification instead of regression, the dependent variable must be a factor.

Creating a lumberYard

The concept of timbr is to wrap a decision tree model within a simple, easy-to-use object called a lumberYard. The lumberYard allows you to extract all sorts of useful tidbits from the underlying decision tree model.

Creating a lumberYard from a randomForest object is easy, though it can take a while if your ensemble has a great many trees and nodes. Simply wrap your randomForest object in the lumberYard function.

ly <- lumberYard(rf)

The insides of a lumberYard are neatly hidden away and don't ever need to be accessed for routine use. But in general, it is a massive collection of nodes that have been translated from the underlying tree models. We can inspect the nodes with printNodes and a vector of node IDs.

Below is a printout of the first node and its first child. Notice that the child node contains the text of the parent node. This is logically consistent with how decision trees are created.

# first split
printNodes(ly, 1)
## NodeID:     1
## ------------------
## Embarked in c('','C')

# child of first split
printNodes(ly, 3)
## NodeID:     3
## ------------------
## Embarked in c('','C')
## Fare <= 30.1

We can also pass a vector of node IDs to printNodes and it will print out each one in sequence.

# multiple nodes
printNodes(ly, c(4, 7))
## NodeID:     4
## ------------------
## Embarked in c('','C')
## Fare > 30.1 
## NodeID:     7
## ------------------
## Embarked in c('','C')
## Fare <= 30.1
## SibSp <= 1.5

printNodes takes some optional data arguments for reporting performance as well. We will explore that usage later in the tutorial.

More importantly, we can predict nodes which is what we will use to find new and interesting rules. Why not just use all of them? Because there are far too many nodes to use an exhaustive search. However, by using LASSO regression, we can focus on the most important predictors.

Generating the nodes

So we can print the nodes, but how do we actually use them. To use the nodes we have to put them in a format that can be used for modeling. We will use the predict function to create a matrix where every column corresponds to a node and a value of "1" represents an observation passing through that node.

# predictions from lumberyard
nodes <- predict(ly, df[dev,-1], type = 'All')

# dimensions of the node matrix
## [1]  445 1400

# sample of what matrix looks like
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    1    0    0    1    0
## [2,]    0    1    0    0    1
## [3,]    0    1    0    0    1
## [4,]    0    1    0    0    1
## [5,]    0    1    0    0    1

Becuase we specified a maxnodes of 8 when we created the randomForest, we created 14 nodes per tree. maxnodes specifies the number of terminal nodes. Every pair of nodes has one parent so the total nodes possible in a tree with a maxnodes value of 8 is:

$$8 + 4 + 2 = 14$$

Our initial forest created 100 trees each with 14 nodes for a total of 1,400 generated rules! How are we going to separate the chaff from the wheat? With LASSO regression.

Massaging our nodes

Recall that LASSO regression is exactly the same as logistic regression with one important addition. A slight tweak to the fitting algorithm is made such that unimportant or redundant variables are shrunk away to zero. What we are left with is a very sparse model. In our case, we will be left with the most important "rules" in our dataset.

Before we begin, though, we have to massage our nodes just a bit. randomForest does not support a minumum observations in terminal nodes option like gbm so we have to make sure our nodes don't have counts that are too small for our comfort.

# create a vector of the node counts
cnts <- apply(nodes, 2, function(x) min(sum(x == 0), sum(x == 1)))
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    1.00   23.75   58.00   77.29  132.20  222.00

Roughly a quarter of our nodes have fewer than 25 observations in the terminal node. This is a little too many for my comfort. Additionaly, because of how the nodes are constructed, there is a small chance that duplicate nodes are created. We need to keep track of these kinds of nodes so we don't model with them in later steps.

# calling duplicateNodes on a lumberYard object returns the indices of the dups
dups <- duplicateNodes(ly)

# combined with the node counts vector created above, we can create a vector of
# indices that meet our minimum requirements for modeling
keep <- which(cnts >= 25 | !dups)

We now hove a vector of index positions indicating ONLY those nodes that have at least 25 observations and are not duplicated.

Finding predictive rules

Creating a LASSO regression is easy with our nodes matrix and a target variable. We just need to remember to load the library and pass in the appropriate arguments to the function. Notice I am using the keep vector we created in the previous step.


fit <- cv.glmnet(x = nodes[, keep], y = df$Survived[dev], alpha = 1,
                 family = 'binomial', nfolds = 5)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

We just trained a LASSO regression model on our dataset five times. The plot shows our cross-validated error as a function of the number of predcitors in our model. Remember, we started with 1,400 predictors and the plot shows that only using 32 produces the best cross-validated model!

# get a list of the best predictors
betas <- coef(fit, s = 'lambda.min')[-1]
best <- which(betas != 0) # gives us the nodes that aren't zeroed out!

It is important to remember that the best vector created above contains the index positions of the nodes that we used in the LASSO regression step. Remember that we only modeled with nodes indexed by our keep vector. So to retrieve the original node position we must index keep with best

top <- keep[best]
## [1]  53 174 235 264 343 363

To find out which nodes are the most predictive, we need to work with the coef function from the glmnet library. By passing in 'lambda.min' we are asking for the coefficients that give us the best performing model on the cross-validation.

Printing out the best rules

Now that we know which rules are the most predictive. Let's see what they look like.

# print just the node text for nodes 1 and 3
printNodes(ly, top[c(1, 4)])
## NodeID:    53
## ------------------
## Sex in c('male')
## Age > 1.5
## Fare <= 52.2771 
## NodeID:   264
## ------------------
## Sex in c('male')
## Age > 0.915
## Age > 77

By passing a dataset and response variable into the printNodes function we can also generate performance statistics for the node.

# let's see how the 1045th node performs
printNodes(ly, top[22], df[dev,-1], df$Survived[dev])
## NodeID:  1045
## ------------------
## Sex in c('male')
## Age > 1.5
## Fare <= 114.45 
## Performance:
##    node y.totN y.sumY y.meanY
## 1 FALSE    156    119   0.763
## 2  TRUE    289     47   0.163

Based on the results for this node, if you were potty-trained male with a cheap ticket, you didn't fare too well during the sinking of the Titanic.

# And by contrast, the 389th node
printNodes(ly, top[7], df[dev,-1], df$Survived[dev])
## NodeID:   389
## ------------------
## Sex in c('female')
## SibSp <= 5
## Pclass in c('1','2')
## Age <= 56.5 
## Performance:
##    node y.totN y.sumY y.meanY
## 1 FALSE    365     89   0.244
## 2  TRUE     80     77   0.963

Young or married females in first and second class with family members aboard were likely to make it off the ship alive. Women and children first indeed!

Now what?

Once we find out the nodeIDs of our most predictive nodes we would like to do something with them. Typically this will involve bringing them into another model to see if they provide lift. You can easily write them to csv with the follwing notation.

bestNodes <- data.frame(predict(ly, df[-1], i = best, type = 'Nodes'))
colnames(bestNodes) <- paste('Node', best, sep='_')

And write it to disk

write.csv(bestNodes, file = "Path/To/My/File.csv")

It is then very easy to bring these new features into Xeno to assess whether they provide value or not. It is not very helpful to see a bunch of generically named flag variables; however, so we should also print out the node text for reference. This is also straightforward by enclosing the printNodes function in a sink sandwich.

printNodes(ly, best)

Adding nodes to a logistic regression model

We can do more than just output new fields into Xeno, though. Let's see if any of our flags want to come into our logistic regression model. Let's add the top nodes to our dataset and see how if they want to come into our logistic model.

First we will add our best-performing nodes to the original titanic dataset.

# add our best nodes to the titanic dataset
df2 <- cbind(titanic, bestNodes)

Next, we will grow a logistic regression model starting with just an intercept. We will apply forward stepwise regression to build a logistic model just like we would in SAS.

In R we grow a model by telling the step function what the initial model looks like and what the saturated model looks like. In this case, the initial model is simply an intercept. The saturated model contains all of the variables in our original titanic dataset.

# create an intercept only model
int.only <- glm(Survived~1, df2, family = 'binomial')

# forward stepwise regression to build a base logistic regression model
base <- step(int.only, Survived ~ Fare+Sex+Pclass+SibSp+Parch,

We can then use our final base model as the initial model in another stepwise regression. This time, the saturated model will contain all of our best nodes as well.

# create a new model formula adding the nodes
add <- formula(paste0("~ . +", paste(colnames(bestNodes), collapse = " + ")))

# the update function takes an existing formula and modifies it
f2 <- update(formula(base), add)

# forward stepwise regression adding nodes to the base logistic model
full <- step(base, f2, direction="forward")

We now have two logistic regression models. One built using main effects only which simulates the Xeno modeling process and one consisting of the same model with additional interaction nodes.

We can compare the results of each model and plot their ROC curves.

# score the base model and the model w/Nodes on the VALIDATION data sets
phat.original <- predict(base, titanic[-dev,])
phat.wNodes <- predict(full, df2[-dev,])

# ks of original
ks.table(phat.original, titanic$Survived[-dev])$ks
## [1] 0.5553872

# ks with Nodes
ks.table(phat.wNodes, titanic$Survived[-dev])$ks
## [1] 0.5949495

Plotting the ROC curves we see the interaction nodes did indeed add considerable lift to the model (red curve).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

Zelazny7/timbr documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:57 a.m.