
#'Display a summary of the results of \code{BIC_IS()}.
#'@param object Object of class inheriting from 'BIC_IS'.
#'@param disp The default is \code{"tuning"}; in this case, the recommended tuning 
#'            parameter values based on Index of Sparseness are presented. 
#'            If \code{"tuning_BIC"}, then the recommended tuning 
#'            parameter values based on BIC are presented
#'            If \code{"full"}, then recommended tuning parameter values based on Index 
#'            of Sparseness and BIC are presented. 
#'@param ...  Argument to be passed to or from other methods. 
#'## S3 method for class 'BIC_IS'
#'summary(object, disp="tuning")
summary.BIC_IS <- function(object, disp, ...){
    disp <- "tuning"
  if(disp == "tuning"){
    cat(sprintf("\nRecommended tuning parameter values based on Index of Sparseness are:\n"))
  } else if(disp == "tuning_BIC"){
    cat(sprintf("\nRecommended tuning parameter values based on BIC are:\n"))
  }else if(disp == "full"){
    cat(sprintf("\nRecommended tuning parameter values based on Index of Sparseness are:\n"))
    cat(sprintf("\nRecommended tuning parameter values based on BIC are:\n"))
ZhengguoGu/RSCA documentation built on July 5, 2019, 2:26 a.m.