
#' cb_6wk_input_rep1_chr19 names.
#' Sequencing reads on chromosome 19 from
#' the cerebellum input sample of the six-week mouse. "rep1" means replicate 1.
#' @format A GRange format data contianing: \code{seqnames}(chromosome number),
#'  \code{ranges}(genomic location) and \code{strand}(reads direction).

#' cb_6wk_ip_rep1_chr19 names.
#' Sequencing reads on chromosome 19 from
#' the cerebellum IP sample of the six-week mouse. "rep1" means replicate 1.
#' @format A GRange format data contianing: \code{seqnames}(chromosome number),
#'  \code{ranges}(genomic location) and  \code{strand}(reads direction).

#' cb_6wk_input_rep2_chr19 names.
#' Sequencing reads on chromosome 19 from
#' the cerebellum input sample of the six-week mouse. "rep2" means replicate 2.
#' @format A GRange format data contianing: \code{seqnames}(chromosome number),
#'   \code{ranges}(genomic location) and  \code{strand}(reads direction).

#' cb_6wk_ip_rep2_chr19 names.
#' Sequencing reads on chromosome 19 from
#' the cerebellum IP sample of the six-week mouse. "rep2" means replicate 2.
#' @format A GRange format data contianing: \code{seqnames}(chromosome number),
#'   \code{ranges}(genomic location) and  \code{strand}(reads direction).
ZhenxingGuo0015/datasetTRES documentation built on Sept. 4, 2021, 3:45 a.m.