Man pages for ZhuLeZi/leplant
Description of community characteristics

CPHFClassification according to life style
CPMSDescribing species composition
HYDHYD:Constance class
IVDJimportance value class
IV_QXTable statistical analysis by SUM IV
KStable by Family and Genus
MS_Kdescribe by family Quantitative characteristics,cover abun biomass
MS_QCZCommunity Quantitative Characteristics
MS_QXDLDescription by qxdl
MS_SHXLifestyle Description
MS_STXDescription of floristic ecology
nmnm sp information
NMLISTSpecies Information Table
plantcomcommunity and sp information
QCTABLE2ASS. divide and name
QCZSPfilter sp by Ass.groub
QLYFThe basic of community description, table
QX_TABLEqxdl table by Inner Mongolia Flora
SARspecies area index
SHXprint the description of the Flora Life form
TABLE_ZHTABLE of comprehensive flora Statistics
ZhuLeZi/leplant documentation built on June 25, 2019, 10:35 a.m.