

sfhelpers is a R package including functions helping to run routines related primarily to simple features (sf) , but also to spatial objects of other classes / packages ( stars, terra ). sfhelpers is motivated by multiple requests for code or advice related to sf. By publishing sfhelpers I hope to at least partly satisfy these demands. sfhelpers is still very much in the development phase; it may or may not go any further. Suggestions are welcome.


# install package remotes if not yet installed
# install.packages("remotes")

# install fast from GitHub without vignettes (not recommended)
# remotes::install_github("a-benini/sfhelpers")

# recommended: installation from GitHub including vignettes:
  build_vignettes = TRUE,
  dependencies = TRUE



Usage Example

sfhelpers::st_or() is a sf equivalent of QGIS Union. st_or() returns a geometry set containing overlapping and non-overlapping parts of two input sf objects (or sfcs).

#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.0, GDAL 3.5.3, PROJ 9.1.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

# the two included demo sf-objects have partly identically named attribute columns
#>    A    B    C 
#> <NA> <NA> <NA> 
#> Levels: constant aggregate identity
#>    A    D    E 
#> <NA> <NA> <NA> 
#> Levels: constant aggregate identity

# st_or() suffixes by default originally identically named attribute columns
st_or(x = poly_1, y = poly_2) %>% st_drop_geometry()
#> Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
#> all geometries
#>     A.x  B    C  A.y  D    E
#> 1    Pq  1 1983    z 48 2015
#> 2    Pq  1 1983    y 36 2016
#> 3    Qr  2 1984    y 36 2016
#> 4    Pq  1 1983    x 24 2017
#> 5    Rs  3 1985    x 24 2017
#> 6    Pq  1 1983    w 12 2018
#> 7    Qr  2 1984    w 12 2018
#> 8    Rs  3 1985    w 12 2018
#> 9    St  4 1986    w 12 2018
#> 10   Qr  2 1984 <NA> NA   NA
#> 11   Rs  3 1985 <NA> NA   NA
#> 12   St  4 1986 <NA> NA   NA
#> 13 <NA> NA   NA    z 48 2015
#> 14 <NA> NA   NA    y 36 2016
#> 15 <NA> NA   NA    x 24 2017

st_or(poly_1, poly_2) %>% plot()
#> Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
#> all geometries

For the rest of the functions included in sfhelpers see here.

a-benini/sfhelpers documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 3:30 a.m.