Man pages for a-kramer/SBtabVFGEN
Converts from SBtab to vf,mod,[sbml]

all.refs.validChecks that all SBtab references are valid
all.varscollect all variable names
dot-make.sbmlCreate an SBML model from Tables
ftsplitFixed-token-split a scalar string into parts
grapes-1-grapesfirst valid item in data object
grapes-otherwise-grapesotherwise operator
grapes-s-grapesregular expression substitution
grapes-twiddle-grapesregular sub-expression matching
id.eq.nameAre the IDs the same as the Names
make.cnamesMake C compatible names
NeuronUnitA unit string compatible with NEURON
OneOrMoreLinesWrites MOD variable definitions
paste_tagpaste_tag makes an XML tag from a data-frame
printfprintf prints
sbtab.dataRead data from SBtab
sbtab_from_excelA parser for Excel files with SBtab document structure
sbtab_from_odsA parser for .ods files with SBtab document structure
sbtab_from_tsvA parser for a bunch of .tsv files with SBtab document...
sbtab.header.valueRead a property from the SBtab header
sbtab_quantityread vector from sbtab Quantity table
sbtab_to_vfgenSBtab content exporter
sbtab.validvalidate spelling in SBtab document
simple.unitSimple unit from string
time.seriesCreate a Time Series Simulation Experiment
unit.from.stringUnit Interpreter
unit.idConverts a unit to a string that works as an identifier
unit.infoPrints an interpretation string of a unit
unit.kindfind unit category
unit.scaleUnit scale from SI prefix
update_from_tableUpdate a named vector with values from a table
a-kramer/SBtabVFGEN documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 2:03 a.m.