  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

First, the gelClust library is loaded along with a dataset consisting of the TCDD-induced fold change in expression of 932 DEGs across 14 mouse strains and three traits: TCDD burden, change in fat percentage, and change in body weight gain.


Then, the number of clusters for signed gamma clustering is selected through maximization of the log-likelihood function. This is chosen in a range from 2 up to the number of samples.

gm <- gelMatrix(foldChange)
score <- gammaTest(foldChange, gm, rbound=14)

As observed, the optimal number of clusters is 7. We can view these clusters with the gammaPlot function.

m <- gelSVD(foldChange, 7)
clust <- gammaCluster(gm, m)

gammaPlot(gm, clust$labels)

Within each of these clusters, we can further obtain sub-clusters such that genes from distinct sub-clusters within the same primary cluster are uncorrelated after controlling for the cluster itself.

sub.clust <- subClusters(foldChange, clust, 10)

aarkatkar/gelClust documentation built on May 6, 2022, 12:24 a.m.