yamaska: River network for the Yamaska watershed

yamaskaR Documentation

River network for the Yamaska watershed


A spatial dataset (a river_net object) containing a topologically dendritic representation of the rivers of the Yamaska watershed in Southern Quebec along with topological, barrier, and the outlet nodes identified.




An object of class river_net holding a pair of sf objects representing the edges (588 LINESTRING geometries and 7 columns) and the nodes (589 POINT geometries and 7 columns) :

geometry (edges)

the geometry list column

pass_1 (edges)

the passability of nodes in the network from 0 to 1

pass_2 (edges)

the binary passability of nodes in the network, 0 if a barrier and 1 otherwise

type (edges)

the type of the node

id (edges)

an id column

node.label (edges)

a logical vector representing each node's unique topoligical ID

member.label (edges)

the segment membership of the node

from (nodes)

the origin node of the line

to (nodes)

the destination node of the line

OBJECTID (nodes)

a unique river line id

geometry (nodes)

the geometry list column

riv_length (nodes)

the length of rivers, in meters

weight (nodes)

a river weighting term

rivID (nodes)

a unique river id





aarkilanian/dci documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 7:12 p.m.