links: Construct hyperlinks to online resources

linksR Documentation

Construct hyperlinks to online resources


These resource-specific functions return a hyperlink to the relevant online database/resource based on the provided identifier (id).


link_go(id, text = id, title = NULL, format = "html")

link_kegg(id, text = id, title = NULL, format = "html")

link_pubmed(id, text = id, title = NULL, format = "html")

link_entrez(id, text = id, title = NULL, format = "html")

link_cran(id, text = id, title = NULL, format = "html")

link_bioc(id, text = id, title = NULL, format = "html")



valid identifier for the relevant online database


displayed text


link title, often used in tooltips


generate links using "html", "markdown" or "latex" syntax


  • link_go(): to Gene Ontology Consortium

  • link_kegg(): to KEGG Pathway Database

  • link_pubmed(): to PubMed based on PMID (PubMed identifier)

  • link_entrez(): to NCBI's database for gene-specific information based on Entrez ID

  • link_cran(): for R packages available from CRAN

  • link_bioc(): for R packages available from Bioconductor

Link Customization

By default the hyperlinked text is just the id, so link_pubmed("22066989") becomes 22066989. The text argument allows you to customize the hyperlinked text. To display a hyperlinked URL (e.g.,, set text = NULL.

Data Tags

For a few supported online resources, specially formatted tags can be passed to the text and title arguments to display live data obtained from the corresponding resource. For example, link_entrez("4609", text = "<symbol>"), produces MYC, displaying the gene symbol rather than the Entrez ID. We could also set title = "<description>" to produce a link that reveals the gene's description when a user hovers over the link (using a supported browser).

Currently supported data tags:

NCBI Entrez:

  • symbol: Gene symbol

  • description: Gene description

  • location: Cytogenetic location

NCBI PubMed:

  • title: Article title

  • year: Publication year

  • journal: Journal title

Gene Ontology:

  • name: GO term name

  • definition: GO term definition



link_go("GO:0005539", format = "html")
link_kegg("hsa04915", format = "html")
link_pubmed("22066989", format = "html")
link_entrez("4609", format = "html")

aaronwolen/linkit documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 5:58 a.m.